Oh dear...

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×Dovey POV×
I was walking when I heard an almost silent thud from behind me. I turn around to see Lesso on the floor. I rush over to help her up but she is unconscious. I quickly use my finger glow to teleport her to her Dorm Room. I then rush to the school for Good and prepare for my evers to come in.

"Hello dear evers" I say in a sing-song voice. "Good morning Professor Dovey!!!" They reply back in a kind voice. "I'm going to be allowing one of the new teachers in this school to teach and I will be observing them." The new teacher, Evelyn Sader, came in. "Hello kids" The evers did not say a word. "You know it is rude to ignore your elders"
They did not make any response to her. "YOU'RE A NEVER WE DONT WANT TO SPEAK TO NEVERS!!" One of my beautiful evers screamed. "Rude much" Sader replied.

I realised that Sader was familiar somehow and remembered reading the Never Ever yearbook of the year I graduated. She was one of the Nevers...

Shit what have I done?

Author note:
Sorry it is shorter than usual, I'm going out so I cannot do it, but I'll try to do more as I also need inspiration, so I'm going to get inspiration from my best friend as she is doing something similar to me, but with different characters dating in SGE. Check her out, she's just_shaya.

Evil Can Love Afterall... (Dovesso)Where stories live. Discover now