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7 years later cuz why not

×Lesso Pov×
We got rid of Rafal when Sophie and Agatha came here (They left 3 weeks ago) and I've never felt better. I've been working at the school for Evil for 7 years now and I have been in a love-hate relationship with Clarissa the whole time. I really do love her dearly though, honestly. She is my light in the darkest of dark places (literally and figuratively). I am going to actually ask her out today. I'm so nervous but I have to accept that.

I have bought her a bouquet of her favourite flowers and a gift to go with it. I'm supposed to be evil but I am soft towards her... Oh Well!!!

L- "Princess?"
D- "Oh, hey Nora!"
L- "Meet me at the Good flower Gardens tonight, I've a surprise for you"
D- "Okay..?"

I then realise that Anemone was also there. "What are you looking at "Beauty Teacher"" I snap. "Woah Woah calm down Nora!" Rissa calmly talks to me.


I am laying down on a sunbed in the good gardens when I see something Pastel Pink, Pastel Purple and Baby Blue in the corner of my eye. I fix my gaze to the colours and realise that it is Clarissa. I blush slightly and revert my eyes to the Tulips🌷 and Roses🌹.
"I'm here Nora" She Spoke softly in my ear. "Hey Rissa, close your eyes please" I say looking at her gorgeous features. She does as requested. I quickly use my finger glow to get a bouquet of roses and present it to her face. "Open your eyes." She, again, does as requested and begins to blush a deep dark shade of red. "Will you be mine?" I ask, looking into her eyes to read her emotions. She hesitated before screaming in pure joy and hugging me. "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES! YES!!!" She begins hugging tighter. I look at her to see that she is crying. "H-Hey, what's up?" I ask. "I am just excited don't worry about me, Nora"

×Later on×

She was hugging me in my office when I glare into her eyes to see... Lust?

She pushes herself on top of me before looking into my eyes for consent. I allow her to continue further. She begins to kiss me slowly and passionately. I begin getting into a lustrous state and we switch positions, so I'm on top.

I love this woman.

Author note:
Hi sorry I haven't posted on a while, I have been ill and have had army cadets on the nights as well so I'm so sorry I hope you are happy with what I have done at the moment.

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