I. lingering stares

418 24 17

🔪 Second meetings takes a turn for a hope for friendship, and a new addition to the group. It does not end well.

Warning: Tsunekawa himself,
slight manipulation.

Half proofread.

Tsunekawa Hiroyuki, you learned his name was -- was a smart boy

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Tsunekawa Hiroyuki, you learned his name was -- was a smart boy. Such words that came out from his mouth were advanced, in a way that even though you were two grades older than him, there were things he uttered that you couldn't understand or knew the meaning behind. Perhaps, it was the fact that you weren't really that smart. Your grades was slightly below average and although you knew they weren't that good with academics, you didn't have thought of giving up on it. Learning was the only thing that you needed to do right now, they didn't have that many things to stress over besides helping your grandfather with his fortuning business.

Keikou wasn't originally your place, only then your got to live in the city when your mother died and you got no place to go in the previous city anymore with reasons that you didn't get to know of — so with you and your father, you had to live in Keikou temporarily with your grandfather -- until he finally gets the two of you a real home. The city you used to live in, Nigiyaka was in a less depressing state than the current one. Although you didn't mind the sudden change of environment, fitting in was still hard. Many people looked your way and seemed to just notice that your weren't from there. What gave it away though? Was it the smile that you had? Pure and nothing laced of menace, unlike smoke that filled the city in for its people's suffocation.

Or was it that you were you?

At this point in your life, youcouldn't exactly point why the people you come across with treat you as if you weren't the same species alike humans, as if you were aliens in that matter - that didn't halt you  you from interacting and meeting new people along the way though. Because at such approach, you would get to learn more about how people work and think in this place, maybe you could really fit in. Although, there were times when wished you never left Nigiyaka. It was truly a nice city to begin with, but seeing the circumstances, you didn't have any chances but to just...really wish that there was going be a time that you'll be able to go back and never be anxious with the people that looked at you strangely.

Maybe you could even bring you grandfather to Nigiyaka, his health had been ever so slowly declining lately and his business would definitely thrive more in the city.

The De Maruo family had been a family of fortune tellers for years as your grandpa have told you. You  didn't even know that the family had that some sort of that thing going on until you stepped in Keikou. Apparently, passing the fortune telling business the family have had been a heirloom. Your father disliked the idea of the 'talent' (as your grandpa have called) to be passed down to him. Because for him, fortune telling was a mere hoax and was only a way in order to grab money much easier than actually doing an actual job. As it's the reason why he never fulfilled your grandfather's dream in hopes for him to become a fortune teller, rather then he worked a job that payed him better than what the business could ever do. You figured that his plan of living separately with your father sooner or later also had that same reason.

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