0. clementia

441 24 10

Keikou City was not a wonderful place by any means. Toxic thick dark gases polluted the sky, thick enough that it has expanded through the neighbouring cities and there wouldn't be time where its people would see the blue clear sky with the white cottony clouds. This was all due to the reason that Keikou had a large industrial presence, there were loads of factories of many types.

Though, despite the essence of unhappiness that radiated the whole city, everyone went off their daily life like any other city. It still also was where children everyone had a place to be. They still get to live on that childhood dream.

It wasn't exactly what the other kids had outside the city but  the children that lived in Keikou had alternatives.

Hurried multiple shoes running hit the ground. Coming from three boys dressed in the standard middle school uniform wearing short sleeved polo with suspenders, a beret cap over their head that had a design of a fake golden roundwed shape with a star in the middle, either side inside the circle had bohemian leaf - along with black socks that reached just halfway below their knee accompanies with matching school shoes. One of them kept the lead not breaking any sweat during the sprint while the other two had their breathing a little shaky.

" Hey, Tamiya-kun! Where are you taking us? " The said boy turned his head towards them a small grin and a determined look on his face. " Don't worry about it, keep moving! " The one who had asked, saw a 'no trespassing ' sign the words in bold letters. Suggesting that they should back what they saw, slowing his walk a little before sprinting yet again. The three tried their best not to trip over mechanical parts scattered on the way they were paving through. As they got deeper and deeper into what seemed to be one of the abandoned factory in the city, a pretty close one to the boys' school.

Tamiya, the one who led the two came into a stop infront of a vault like designed door, one that was twice their height and had a large handle. Tamiya opened it with half difficulty, ushering the two to head inside and check everything out. The two were yet again hesitant, but did comply after they were told. It was relatively a small walk and at the end of the passageway was a staircase that was high, the treads were wooden while the handrail were somewhat made of metal. Below them was just many mech junks.

" Finally! We can claim our very own private secret base! " Tamiya exclaimed with brightening enthusiasm, a grin spreading over his face. He looked proud overall, staring at his bestfriends and couldn't help but laugh at their stunned looks. They were even more amazed when he showed how the stairs was still working conveyer belt. They were fourth graders, at this time they discovered this abandoned industrial plant. At this time, children like them did not have that much care at the world. Fun was the only thing they seek of, besides school.

The very same day Tamiya led them to the base, a certain [c.] haired, passed by that industrial plant just on their way home. Watching as the kids ran towards the depth of the place, though they did not bother to stop them. There was a curiosity flooding their mind, when they watched the three disappeared from their sight. The three were looking forward at this base, they would have their time spent here during summer break as it was nearing.


Indeed they did, many days have passed, weeks even, months it could be - but now they were in their next year. In their fifth grade, they got close with Ishikawa - well, more like Tamiya was friends with Ishikawa who he nicknamed Nico. Kaneda was a bit miffed by his blame that one time when everyone's pocket money stolen and to that, he had actually never forgave him. Dafu somewhat got bothered by Nico. The two were practically stubborn even when Tamiya persuaded them not to think of him that way.

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