II. welcome to your new home

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Your father lied.

When he said that he wasn't that sure that he and Mrs. Tsunekawa would work out, why did he tell you a week later that he proposed to her? It wasn't like you were opposed by it. Afterall, you were happy that he's happy. His happiness mattered to you the most, really. It was just that the same dread in the pit of your stomach when he informed you who he was meeting with was the same when you found out what the Tsunekawa boy was planning about.

Should you be worried by that?

The woman's name reminded you of Tsunekawa Hiroyuki himself. The boy, in no doubt had been rising with his delusional thoughts that was caused by your grandfather. But then again, could you really make out the whole of him when it was the first time that you met him a week ago? You knew it was bad judging people by first meetings, your father told you so — but there was this deep feeling in your guts that told you to never ever interact with that boy again. You find him weird and it was that type of weird where you're scared interacting him after the first time that you did so.

You hoped that it was a family that coincidentally had the same name as his. He wasn't the only one with that surname in the city of Keikou, that had been circling around your mind of assurance as the two of you rode a car that your father borrowed from his friend.

He could still not afford one and it was a good thing that his friend was kind enough to lend it to him for today, you've got a lot of things that's needed to be brought but was everything going by so fast? Your father already had thought that you should move in with the Tsunekawa's. Maybe this was really going too fast. But did that really matter right now? You knew even if you told your father that matter, there wasn't anything that was going to change it because you were already on your way towards where the Tsunekawa resided.

It had only had taken thirty minutes to arrive at the apartment building as the the car made its halt at. Your father stepped out the car first and copying what he had done with the door, you did too, the smoky air immediately filling in your nose. Already accustomed by such foul smell, you followed him on the back of the car, watching him pull the door, revealing the boxes that contained both of your belongings.

He turned to you and smiled, " Alright, I'll carry the bigger boxes while you carry the small ones. Is that okay with you? " You nodded your head wordlessly and took the box that he gave you.

He seemed to catch up with your quietness, (you weren't that much of a talkative kid but you weren't that quiet either.) Though, everytime when asked, you'd eagerly answer him. It must have been the nervousness of seeing your new mother for the first time, isn't it? He thought of it, before letting out a small chuckle, ruffling your hair lightly whilst sending you a smile that held comfort. " Don't worry, Yokoshima is a sweet woman. You'll love her. " The smile tretched wider as a grin broke out of his lips. " You know what's more great, darling? She has two kids! You've always wanted to have a baby sibling right? Her oldest is two years younger than you while the other is seven years old. They're both boys, you wouldn't be lonely anymore with playing! "

You frowned at his words. " Papa, I don't play games anymore. It's childish and I'm not a child. "

He laughed and shook his head, messing your hair even more and began to pick up a box, stacking them on top of each other. His late reply of " Sure you are. " Went unheard from you. You lagged behind him, he said to make sure to watch yours steps as you ambled through the other side of the building where the entrance was in. You shuffled a little in your feet, hearing your father call out the woman's name.

The two of you waited patiently and when the door opened, you were greeted by a sight of a small boy who held a Mighty Watom figure who thoughtfully stared at the of you for a mere seconds before he turned his head inside screaming for his mom to come and see, asking why there was two people before their door.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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