31. Nothing is act

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Taehyung ran to Jungkook's room to freshen up himself and look presentable and gentle in front of his baby . He is already upset about how he made his first impression a scary one.

Taehyung forgot everything other than his daughter. He forgot many things like how he was in under cover operation.... About Elle's death... About him living in a arms dealer home after his cover been compromised.

Now his thoughts and attentions are only on his baby. He ran to Jungkook's closet and searched for a suit to meet his daughter. He brushed his hair back like a gentleman.Jungkook followed him with a big glass of juice as Tae is still anxious and tired.

" Jk!!! I want a suit... Where can I find it??! "

" Hey yo!! I'm not your buttler!! I'm freaking billionaire!!" Jungkook said with glass of Juice and towel in his arms to wipe Tae's tears and sweat. .

" Why are you here then??! Mr billionaire...?!" Tae looked at him head to toe..

" I brought you juice.. .. What??!! You really made me your buttler.. God!!! Things I do for love.... "

" Jungkook, don't argue with me... Get me nice suit of yours.. Which can fit me.. "

" Whatever... . Move away... I'll dress you... "

Jungkook made Taehyung ready like a perfect gentleman. In the end he helped Tae with the blazers and straightened it with his palm. Taehyung still looked like a cute boy even in the blazers and combed back hair, which made Jungkook uwwww at him.

" Baby!!! Can wait to get you out of this blazers.... You look so cute.. I want to make love to you again.. "

" Dream on it... Last night was a mistake.. It will never happen again... "

" Are you sure?!"

" I'm confident!! You are an out law and I'm a law enforcement officer... It can never work between us... "

" Then how did it work with your hit woman girl friend...??!! Huh?! Like she didn't murder anyone?! "

" That.... That's different.. and it didn't work in the end..."

" Yeah!!! Didn't work... That woman was so in love with you to take your name as her name... and you still in love with her to cry and scream for her... This much love is enough for me... and don't forget the fruit of your love... ' Veni' !! Wow!! How She is also going to be our fruit of love... "

" Never.... Stop dreaming about me Jungkook.... Everything was an act... " Tae said turning against Jungkook

" Are you trying to say that yesterday was an act?!! "

" That's what I'm telling you... Everything is act and part of my job to extract truth about Elena and to find the location of Venitia.. Now I don't care about Elena's death....what's gone is gone...

Now that I know Venetia is my daughter and my wonderful ex decided to hide this truth from me... I can't forgive her for stealing my kid from me...
All I care about now is my daughter. "

" Look at my face and tell that Taehyung!! " Jungkook make Tae turn and sternly asked him.

" All I want is my daughter!!! Give her to me and I will get the hell out of your face... "

" Taehyung!! Don't forget you are talking to Jungkook... You started taking advantage of my love it seems... and you are arguing about taking away two very important people from me... This won't end well" Jungkook sternly said

" What?!! Are you going to kill me??!! If you could you would have done it last night like you said.... "

" There are more crucial punishments than killing a person... Don't test my patience Tae.. I'm warning you for the last time" Jungkook said in very low deep voice to make Tae jump on his place...

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