Chapter Eleven

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It's almost been two weeks since Thomas and I kissed. We've been texting a bit and we've talked on the phone, but I really need to concentrate on school, especially now. I have SAT's coming up that I still have to figure out how to pay for and I need to bring my grades up if I want scholarships. Right now I have mostly C's but that won't cut it. Petra has made that clear. I need to start getting B's.

My head is about exploding and I'm dizzy when Thomas calls. My stomach is in knots and my throat is dry and itchy.

"Hey," I answer, sniffing loudly. My head is spinning. I lie down in an effort to calm myself down and to stop the downpour of thick snot that is so persistent on leaving my body.

"Hello, Loni-" Thomas greets nervously. "A-are you okay?"

"Yeah I...Sorry, I have SAT's soon and I've been really busy studying and figuring some things out," I inform him, feeling like shit.

My fever seems to only be increasing with every word I utter. I close my eyes in an attempt to be able to concentrate better, but I'm struggling.

"Are you ill?" Thomas asks me, concern in him voice.

"Yeah. I don't know what's wrong." I sniff again. "I don't feel well."

"Oh, that's too bad," Thomas says. He pauses as if wanting to say more. "Do-do you...Can I come pick you up? I can make you my mother's special tea that always helps me when I'm sick..."

Despite my mood and aching internal body, I smile at this.

     "I'll text you my address," I quickly tell him and hang up.

As I text my address to him, I worry about KC seeing Thomas or his car or me going to his car. But I don't really care right now. I'm just really worn out.


Yawning, I open the side door of my house and step out into the chilly air. It actually feels like heaven against my boiling forehead and I almost forget about the got guy in his car, waiting for me.

I force my weak legs to enter Thomas' car. This would be the second time I've been in this very seat.

"Hello, sleepy head," He greets me. I am really not in the mood for nick names. I just want to reel over and die in peace.

Thomas reaches over to me and tucks a strand of hair behind my left ear. His action sends tingles through me, not helping my already threatening head ache.

I also notice a strange, but very faint smell in Thomas' car. I don't know what it is and thinking isn't really an option right now.

"Hey," I mumble.

Frowning, Thomas brings his hand to my forehead.

"Wow," he says. "You're really burning up." He shifts the gear to drive. "I know just the thing."

I don't remember much of the car ride because I fall asleep as we turn out of my neighborhood. I feel the bumps on the road, even the big ones, but I sleep right through them.

Finally, we arrive outside of Thomas' apartment and he has to wake me up. I take my time opening my eyes and opening the door because any vigorous movement would result in a scream from my stomach.

Thomas hurries to my side of the car, opens the door for me, and helps me out.

"I'm okay, Thomas," I manage. I let go of him and stretch, my back satisfyingly cracking. Ah...

Thomas holds onto my lower back, guiding me to the stairs. I take each step one at a time, as my head is still burning and my throat is still extremely parched. My running nose doesn't help my situation, either. It's as if I'm climbing Lady Liberty and I feel bad that Thomas is waiting when he could easily go ahead of me. I wonder, also, why he wants to take care of me.

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