Chapter 2: A Torn Bond

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It's awfully quiet , Hak muses.

"General Hak." Minsoo appears on screen.

Minsoo, Hak thinks, his previous rage calming when he sees the healer who had helped the princess escape and later on assisted them with the Xing kingdom crisis.

Minsoo and Hak engage in light conversation. The topic soon turns to Yona and Soowon.

"General Hak, you understand those two really well, don't you?" Minsoo phrases it more like a statement than a question.

And that's an understatement.

Unbeknownst to Hak, Soowon concedes to himself that Hak did know him well. Too well. Unnervingly well. Despite all the facades that Soowon threw on, despite all the acting, not all the parts of him that he showed Hak were fake.

"It's because... I've watched them since I was a kid." Hak's gaze takes on a more wistful aura.

"Those two... How should I put it? I want them to be happy." He says quietly.

Soowon's heart feels uncomfortably tight, but his expression remains languid. He's trying not to think about it. About Hak and Yona. About their feelings.

Because he feels like he may just break if he does.

Someone else whose heart is also aching is Yoon. He feels terrible for the on-screen Hak, who had genuinely wished for his friends' happiness at the expense of his own. It's no secret amongst the Happy Hungry Bunch that Hak likes Yona, well except for Yona herself. She's ever so dense , Yoon admits wryly.

The scene shifts to Soowon's sword dripping with King Il's blood as Hak's thought lingers in the background, fading away.

Princess Yona's eyes, so devoid of their usual light, stare aimlessly at Soowon's eyes – empty of the warmth they are usually filled with.

Joodoh... doesn't exactly feel regret, but something darn close to it. His heart clenches. He beats down the feeling.

He has chosen Soowon. He cannot, will not, must not harbor any lingering affection for the princess! The very princess who threatens Soowon's throne!

"S... Soowon... Hurry, call a doctor... Father... Is... Hurry... Call a doctor..." She rasps out, her hand coated in her father's blood.

Her shaky pleas are for naught.

"Emperor's Il's eyes will never open again. I killed him ." Soowon states unfeelingly.

More than a few dirty looks are shot towards the current Soowon.

Something in Kyoga twists. He had trusted King Soowon following his father's betrayal. No, trusts . He still trusts him, still follows him, is always loyal to him... Isn't that what he has sworn? So why is he doubting his liege now?

Shinah's perceptive eyes manage to detect Kija's movements and he whips out a hand, yanking back Kija to prevent him from starting a second scuffle.

"Shinah!" Kija complains.

"... Sorry... Jaeha told me... to watch and stop you..." Shinah says.

Kija turns to Jaeha, looking betrayed.

"What? I was right. You almost ended up creating trouble again ." Jaeha points out.

Kija sniffs derisively, then says hopefully, "just let me get one punch at him –"

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