Chapter 3

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"Auntie, I'm heading out now." Sakura said waving a goodbye to Tsunade and Shizune who sat at their dining table, everyone just getting done with their breakfast.

"Wait Sakura, I don't work until later, do you want me to drop you off? So you don't have to take the train?" Tsunade said as Sakura dismissed her.

"No, it's okay, you rest until you have to work." Sakura said grabbing her keys and train pass. "I'll let you both know if I'll be late after school."

"Hm okay then, Shizune will order dinner from takeout tonight let her know what you want." Tsunade said.

"Oh.. anything is fine." Sakura smiled. "See you both later." She said leaving the house.

She had checked her phone for the time before leaving for the train. She noticed the day before Sasuke usually left around the same time as her because they always met at the station or bumped into one another at that time. She looked down towards where his home was, waiting to see if he would come out.

After five minutes she figured he probably had already left for the station and that she really wanted to catch up with him if he did. So she took off.

Unfortunately, when she made it to the station, he was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't standing and he wasn't sitting where they usually would sit. She thought maybe he was running a bit late but when the train doors closed and started to move, he had little doubt it was from being late

"Maybe he's not going to school today or maybe he overslept... Should I text him?" She spoke to herself lowly.

Maybe he was fine, he probably had something to do...

When she arrived at school, she didn't seem to see him, she didn't even see Ino or the girls, she was kind of early so maybe they hadn't got dropped off just yet. They do live a bit further than she does.

Walking inside she of course changed her shoes and made her way to her classroom. Walking up the stairs, her attention was pulled, when she heard a girl, squeal Sasuke's name.

"Sasuke! Can I speak to you in private over there?" The girl said. When Sakura got fully up the stairs, she could see a girl pulling Sasuke towards the corner of the hall. Her cheeks were stained red as she kept averting her eyes to and from Sasuke and with how she was swaying back and forth, Sakura could tell the girl was confessing or asking Sasuke out.

She didn't mean to stare or intrude but she wanted to see what exactly Sasuke would say... before she could do that though, many hands had began pulling her to the classroom.

"Forehead, why are you just standing in the middle of the hallway?" Ino asked.

"Yeah, you looked like a complete statue." Temari teased.

Looking over her shoulder, she could see Sasuke nodding to the girl, who seemingly nodded back. A pang was felt in her chest as she turned back straight. "Oh nothing, I was just... daydreaming.." Sakura lied.

"We can tell! You should get that checked out, you could have a dissociative disorder." Ino said as Sakur rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah pig..." Sakura replied.

She couldn't possibly tell them she was watching Sasuke... did he come to school early just to meet with that girl? How did he even know her? He had only been here for three days... so how?

Making it to the classroom she slipped into her desk, placing her head on her desk, her hair falling on both sides on her face as she groaned lowly.

"How can people even be so confident with asking someone out or confessing to them.. I'd absolutely break if I had to do that..." she mumbled to herself.

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