Chapter 13

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Itachi knew this man wasn't stupid, he couldn't just walk up and start asking questions without him getting suspicious.

So he quickly came up with an approach.

A fake phone call.

He pulled out his phone bringing it to his ear as he walked up closer to Sakura's house.

"Oh yeah Tsunade... I'm about to check the mail now... Yeah Sakura asked if I could drop her and her boyfriend off at their friend's house.. yeah they're having a little study night so they're spending the night.... Oh Yeah I made sure she had an extra bag..." Itachi said.

He took a peek at Shuko's car noticing how the window moved down a bit.

"Yeah.. Sakura told me someone broke in last night... Yeah said it was her Mom's Fiancé... Oh really? You don't want him here? You didn't ask him to check on her?....Yeah that's what Sakura said he told her... Oh so He's lying?....What kind of car does he drive?....A black Nissan Altima?... Is his plate number 2AB87P9... Yeah I'm looking at it right now.... Call the cops?.... Put a proximity warning on his car and him?... Okay Alright... let me call you back." Itachi said as his eyes went to Shuko who was looking right at him. The window fully down now.

Itachi had him where he wanted him. Scared.

"Hey, you're going to have to leave, You're not supposed to be here." Itachi said.

"Who the hell are you?" Shuko asked looking at Itachi intently.

"Just a good neighbor. I always help look after the house when Tsunade is out of town or what not. I help her take care of her niece as well."

"Well I'm-" Shuko started.

"I know exactly who you are Mr. Omira. I also know you're making Sakura uncomfortable, watching her, breaking into her home as you please, predators like you deserve to be in the ground rotting." Itachi said. "Now I have your plate numbers, I'm going to inform some buddies of mine down at the local station to put a proximity warning on your vehicle and you yourself, that way if you even think to step in this neighborhood your ass is getting arrested. There will also be a patrol car stationed here to make sure no stalking happens while Sakura leaves for school." He said.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You're just the fucking neighbor you don't know my relationship with Sakura."

"I know just enough, I know more than you think. I know SOB's like yourself take advantage of young girls, you hurt them, you're a pedophile, a predator, a rapist. So I advise you to never come here again, or you'll deal with me personally." Itachi said. "No one should look over their shoulder every second of the day because bastards like you exist. So like I said, leave and never come back." Itachi said. His glare was set as Shuko gave one in return. He started his car and quickly drove off.

As Itachi walked back to his home he made that phone call putting the proximity warning out. By him being a cop himself, if he see's Shuko he will have all rights to arrest him. Which was another reason he didn't give up who he really was.

When he walked back inside his home, Sasuke  was conforting Sakura on the couch. "Everything okay?" Sasuke asked when he looked at his brother.

"Everything should be now. He shouldn't come back." He said. "If he does, I'll arrest him." Itachi said. "I'll have all rights to do so, I'm putting a proximity warning on his vehicle and himself. I'm also going to see about getting a restraining order against him for Sakura." He said.

"Can I get one against Sage to?"

"It'll be tricky with that one, considering she goes to school with you." Itachi said. "I'll make sure to press those charges though." He said as Sakura nodded.

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