Chapter 7

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"I'm glad to see you both made it. I stopped by your home Sakura and informed your Aunt that you'd be joining me and my brother for dinner."

"Oh.. Thank you... hey um.. you didn't tell her or Shizune what you saw right?" Sakura asked kind of embarrassed.

"What did I see?" Itachi smirked winking at Sakura who let out a sigh in relief.

He didn't tell them.

"What did you buy for dinner?" Sasuke asked quickly changing the subject. He definitely didn't want to talk about it.

"Pasta and a salad." Itachi said

"Are there tomatoes?" Sasuke asked.

"I asked that they put them to the side for you." Itachi said as Sasuke nodded.

Sakura watched the two brothers as they both talked and moved around the kitchen grabbing items for dinner. She didn't understand what Sasuke meant, Itachi obviously cared alot about him and knows everything about him. From her point of view she doesn't see the doubt Sasuke can see.

But of course, his attitude about everything is different, he thinks in his mind he's the reason for his parents death and that his brother also blames him.

She wants him to see that obviously Itachi loves him dearly and that he just wants to protect him and keep him safe. He probably puts Sasuke first before everything.

"Do you want some salad?" Sasuke asked Sakura, snapping her out of her reverie. "Yes, of course!" Sakura said smiling as he began to place some on her plate.

"So, Sakura how are your parents?" Itachi asked. "I understand you live with your Aunt now, but I remember the last time I talked with you, you were living with Mrs. Haruno and Mr. Haruno." Itachi said as Sakura shared a look with Sasuke.

"Well.." She said started as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "My parents divorced 3 years ago..and there were some custody issues, my mother simply couldn't look after me and my father couldn't afford to look after me.. so the court appointed my Aunt to be my permanent legal guardian."

"Really now?" He asked. "I didn't know those two would divorce, your parents seemed to look so in love."

"Yeah well.. looks can be deceiving, especially when someone is putting on a front." Sakura said.

"I see, well I'm sorry to hear that. Have you heard from them at all?"

"I saw my mother a few days ago after 3 years.. it wasn't the ideal reunion you'd expect but.. it is what it is.."

"The ideal reunion? What do you mean?" He asked.

"It's a long story.. but to make it short...she's deciding to remarry and once she does she plans to go to court to get permanent custody over me..." Sakura said as Sasuke turned to her.

"You never told me that." He said.

"You told me I didn't have to explain I never brought it up.." She said softly.

"Does your mother live in Tokyo?"

"I'm not sure.. but I know the judge won't grant her the custody." Sakura said.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because her Mother is an abusive bitch, look at her hand and her face, she did that after 3 years of not seeing her own daughter." Sasuke said as Sakura's gaze went downward and as she favored her left hand which was in the brace.

"She did that to you?" Itachi asked as Sakura nodded.

"My mother was or still is.. I'm not sure but she was on heavy drugs.. the judge told her she was unfit for parenting due to her abusive tendencies and her drug usage."

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