Chapter 6

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"Sakura, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go this week, your face is still swollen and bruised and your hand is fractured.. plus you've thrown up everything we've given you to're not up for school.."

"Shizune, it's Thursday... I need to go to school..." Sakura said buttoning up her shirt.

"Sakura, you don't feel well, you'll only feel worse at a school... Your Aunt and I planned to go up there tomorrow to get all of your work for the week so you could be caught up.." Shizune said as Sakura continued to get dressed. "God you're just like your aunt so damn stubborn."

"I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Sakura you haven't eaten properly in 5 days, you're probably famished.. plus you don't look the way you think you do."

"I will find something to eat at school Shizune... maybe my body is just rejecting that bullshit you call food.." Sakura snapped.

Shizune took a deep breath before she responded. "I'm going to let that slide due to the fact I know you're not yourself, and also because the food we give you when you're sick isn't something you particularly like.. so fine, as long as you promise if you feel bad you call me to come get you... I'll drop you off so you can get a late pass from the front office."

"Fine..I'm sorry for lashing out... I know you and Auntie are concerned but sometimes I feel suffocated..."

"Well can you blame us Sakura? You spent time in the hospital due to your ED. We know how your mother makes you feel and she causes you to relapse every time she's brought up. So of course we get concerned we don't want anything to happen to you... which is why me and Tsuna fight so hard for you..."

"Why did Mama...come here Saturday?" Sakura asked. "I'm sure she told you and Auntie which is why you two also wanted me to sit down."

Shizune looked down and averted her gaze away from Sakura who turned to look at her.

"Your mother.. she's remarrying. She was going to tell you.. once she officially married she will push for a court case.. to get custody over you again.."


"Look, Tsuna has permanent custody Sakura. The court will not just give you back up to your mother because she has a new husband. We have documented what she did Saturday and it shows she's still unfit to raise a child.. plus they will drug test her, and if she has any kind of substance in her system they will definitely decline the request. So me and Tsuna are truthful when we say we will not let you go with her." Shizune said as Sakura turned back around finishing to get dressed.

"Shizune if you don't mind.. I'll be downstairs in a minute to be ready to leave." Sakura said in a soft voice.

"I- okay then.. I'll be in the car.." Shizune said getting up walking out of Sakura's room.

This was a lot to digest for Sakura. With this information, she knows she'll see more of her mother. She really didn't have the energy to continuously face her.. Shizune was right, every time her mother is involved she relapses, she goes days without eating and if she tries to eat, she just throws it back up. It's like her body has a hate mechanism against her whenever she thinks about her mother.

Sitting at her vanity she put her hair in a ponytail, she looked at the swelling and bruising of her face from the slap her mother gave her. It was still sore and there really wasn't anyway for her to hide it.. She did decide to wear a hoodie so atleast the wrapping on her wrist would be covered.

She knows she shouldn't go to school but she can't be cooped up in her room for an entire week.. she needs to get out and get into a new environment, it'll probably ease her mind on things.

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