Part 22: Oxana

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Part 22

Oxana POV
I felt so embarrassed, everyone was applauding Eve and I even thought it isn't a huge deal. I just awkwardly smiled as the clapping finished.
Eve: So what are you all planning today?
Konstantin: I literally told you earlier.
Eve: Oh yeah. What time are you guys leaving?
Elena: About 12:30pm
Eve: what time is it now?
Hugo: 10:33am
Eve: Thanks.

Everyone finished their breakfast and moved over to the lounge and sat down. I was sat on my special chair which was a nice real leather and had a massager in and stuff. I had Eve on my lap because I'm not evil enough to let her be on the boring sofa next to Hugo. I suddenly had a thought and needed to talk to Eve about it.
Oxana: Eve can we go upstairs, I need to talk.
Eve: Sure.
Eve got off my lap and stood up, I stood up next to her. She walked towards the stairs as I followed.
Eve: We're just going upstairs to talk.
Hugo: Have fun, if you know what I mean.
Eve: Piss off Hugo.
Eve continued waking up the stairs and I looked over at Hugo and did a fingering gesture with my hand and bit my lip, I then went upstairs and left the others laughing downstairs.

I walked in the bedroom and saw Eve sat on the bed.
Eve: What did you want to talk about?
Oxana: So, you know how a while ago you said about maybe adopting a child?
Eve: Yes?
Oxana: Well, I think I'm ready, I want us to be parents.
Eve smiled at me, her eyes wide and glistening.
Eve: I thought you'd never ask!
I smiled back at her and pulled her in for a hug.
We hugged for ages and slowly rocked on our sides.
Oxana: Are there any adoption centres in town?
Eve: I'm not sure, I'll have a look.
Eve pulled her phone out her trouser pocket and searched on Google.
Eve: Okay, Yep there is one in town.
My face lit up, the thought of becoming a mum was exciting but also scary for me as I don't really know how to treat a child.
Oxana: What if I fuck up? What if I end up being like my mother?
Eve: Oxana, you are nothing like your mother. Your mother was horrible, and I know you are not like that.
Oxana: But I'm a fucking psychopath Eve, I can kill something so easily, what if I hurt it?
Eve: You won't, trust me, I know you and I know you wouldn't hurt a child.
I sighed and looked down at the floor.
Oxana: How can you be so sure?
Eve: Oxana, I love you. I know you from the inside out.
I chuckled.
Oxana: You definitely know the inside of me.
Eve playfully slapped my arm.
Eve: Oxana!!
Her face was bright red like a tomato, she saw me laughing and covered her face with her hands.
Oxana: Sorryyyyyy
I kissed her on the cheek.
Oxana: Come on then, let's go downstairs.

We went downstairs hand in hand and sat back on our chair.
Hugo: Damn that was quick.
Eve turned her head like evil dolls in horror films do and stared at Hugo dead in the eyes.
Hugo: Sorryyyy.
Oxana: I know, usually she lasts longer.
I smirked and raised my eyebrows, eve turned to look at me with the same dead stare she did at Hugo but I kissed her. She kissed me back and sat properly on top of me.
Hugo: Oxana a bottom confirmed?
I pulled away from the kiss so I could respond to Hugo but Eve still wanted to kiss me so she kissed down my neck.
Oxana: Sometimes yes actually, eve is very good at topping. You should see what she's li-
I was cut off by Eve kissing me. We then started making out.
Konstantin: Can you two do this elsewhere?
Oxana: Sorry
Eve got off me and sat down next to me instead.

We went into town and I dragged eve around many different clothing shops. She then dragged me to the adoption centre and showed me all the children there. There was this one little girl who was blonde and had blue eyes, she was 3 and probably the sweetest child I met. Eve and I spoke together about it and agreed to adopt her.
That was 11 years ago now. We are living the life we always wanted, we're free and married and have our own little family. It's perfect and I couldn't trade a single thing in the world for it.

And that's the end, I'm sorry it ended so soon but I just couldn't write for this anymore, I had no motivation and started losing interest in killing eve, but thank you to everyone who has read along over the past 5 months and been patient with me. Goodbye Killing Eve.

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