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{I really hope you enjoy the show, because for me it's just a bad day, you need people like me to fail}

"Grace," Tony whispered, putting my shirt down, and wrapping his arms around my shoulders, "you're beautiful, I mean it."

I couldn't hold myself together any longer, and I broke down in his arms, my body convulsing with sobs. I buried my face into Tony's neck, my arms gripping his shirtless torso as tight as I could, my fingertips pressing into his skin as my body shook.

"Shh," Tony whispered, his lips brushing against my ear, "it's gonna be ok, Grace, it's gonna be ok."

I shook my head and held Tony tighter. His arm wrapped around my back, and the other slid under my knees as he stood up. I snaked my arms around his neck and nuzzled into his shoulder. "Here," he grunted, leaning forward to lay me on the bed, "just go to sleep, and we can forget this even happened," he smiled sadly at me as he headed towards the door.

"Tony wait!" I quipped, sitting up in bed.

He turned to look at me, a hopeful look in his eyes, "yeah?"

"Will you uh, will you stay with me?" I asked timidly, my face burning with embarrassment.

"Of course," he smiled, walking to the other side of the bed and crawling in behind me. I turned to face him, and he smiled sleepily at me, his eyes slowly closing.

I wanted nothing more than to have his arms wrapped around my body. I wanted to feel someone holding me. I wanted to be kept safe. But I was scared to ask him. I mean, how would you feel if some whack ass girl you barely know asked you to hold her while she slept? That's right, you'd be scared as hell, don't even lie. I watched him for a few seconds before letting out a sigh and rolling over.

I flinched a little bit when I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me against his chest. He softly nuzzled against the back of my neck, and held me tightly, both arm wrapped around my waist. It was cute because he did it in his sleep. I let out a contented breath and closed my eyes, drifting into a fitful, restless sleep.

* * *

I woke up to soft snoring and puffs of warm air tickling the back of my neck. I rolled over to find myself face to face with Tony. He looked so cute when he was sleeping, his hair was strewn messily about his face, which was tranquil and calm. His mouth was ajar, and his eyelids fluttered slightly as he dreamed.

His eyes opened slowly, and a sleepy smile formed on his lips, "good morning, beautiful" he sighed, his voice husky and coated with sleep.

"Morning," I whispered, ducking my head, hiding my face against his chest. Something about the way he looked at me made my heart race, and my stomach flutter.

"What time is it?" Tony asked, laying on his back, stretching his arms above his head.

I looked at my phone, "it's almost eleven," I replied.

"Fuck me sideways," he sighed, covering his face with his hands, "I'm late, again, and Vic's going to be pissed, again, and Mike is gonna kick my ass, again..."

"What are you talking about?" I giggled. He was so flustered about waking up a little bit late, and it was cute as hell ok.

He got up and paced back and forth next to the bed, "practice. This is the fourth time this week that I'm late for practice... I promised Vic I'd be on time today, and I'm fucking late."

I got up and stood in his path, gently wrapping my arms around his waist when he bumped into me, "it's gonna be ok, Tony. I'm sure he'll understand," I whispered.

"Sure he will..." He mumbled back, "lets go before I'm even later...."

* * *

The ride to Vic's house was quiet, neither Tony nor I speaking, the radio shut off. We pulled into the driveway, and Tony got out first, hurrying over to my side to open my door for me, "after you," he smiled.

"What a gentleman," I giggled, skipping towards the house.

"You're fucking late again, Turtle!" Vic yelled at Tony before we even made it all the way into the house.

Tony looked down at his feet, "I know... I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to be late again..." He mumbled.

"One more fucking time, Tone, and you're out of the band. I'm sick of your bullshit," Vic growled, getting in Tony's face.

I furrowed my eyebrows together and followed close on Tony's heels as Tony and the boys headed to the basement. When I had first met the guys, they all seemed really nice. They all seemed to like each other. But now it was obvious Tony was on the outs with the others.

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