Fall Formal (part seven)

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Twilight's POV:

I was sitting at my desk next to Izaiah's learning an area of math called Algebra.

It was pretty easy for me, Izaiah seemed to go at a faster pace than the others in our math class.

(After math)

We made our way to PE class (Physical Education) for me to find it a nightmare to do.

I was struggling on the push ups due to me being from another world, I look over to see Izaiah doing them like nothing along with a girl who looked just like Rainbow Dash.

I was struggling on the push ups due to me being from another world, I look over to see Izaiah doing them like nothing along with a girl who looked just like Rainbow Dash

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Twilight(though): they seem to be handling the push ups no problem.
Something tells me that Rainbow Dash is a athletic person in this world.
Izaiah was trained in combat so I guess this was part of his training.

Izaiah's POV:

Izaiah: so Rainbow Dash how you been?

Rainbow Dash: pretty good. I see your quite close with the new girl.

She said with a bit of Jealously in her voice.

Izaiah: well me and Twilight are friends and she is running for Princess of the Fall Formal.

Rainbow Dash: I heard.

I could tell she is thinking about helping me and Twilight out.

Izaiah: if you want to, you can help Twilight win the Fall Formal.

Rainbow Dash: as much as I would like to see Sunset Shimmer's down fall I rather not.

Izaiah: why not?

Rainbow Dash: I have a feeling my old friends are planning on helping you two.

Izaiah: Rainbow Dash it's been almost a year since that happened. Let it go already.

Rainbow Dash: as if I would!

Izaiah(though): if they won't solve their problem then I will.

(After gym class)

Twilight's POV:

I was sore all over the place from gym class. I noticed something was on Izaiah's mind after his chat with Rainbow Dash.

Twilight: is something bothering you?

Izaiah: yeah.

Twilight: may I know what it is?

Izaiah: basically Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity use to be friends and they haven't repaired their friendship after their fall out.

Twilight: any idea who or what caused it?

Izaiah: yeah I do have a idea.

Twilight: do share.

Izaiah: it was Sunset Shimmer who caused it.

Twilight: now that I think about it, your right.

Izaiah: I think it's time to take matters into our own hands.

As he said that he took his phone out and messaged them separately to meet the same place at the same time.

(At the meeting place)

Izaiah's POV:

Me and Twilight waited for the girls to show up at the meeting place.

I saw them approach the area with looks of anger at each other and me for calling them here.

Rainbow Dash: get straight to the point will you.

Izaiah: fine then, you five had let your emotions cloud your sense of reason long enough.

Applejack: do tell.

Izaiah: ever since your little argument about a year ago you haven't tried to find out the real reason what caused each of your problems in the first place.

Then Rarity spoke up.

Rarity: and who or what may have caused such a problem

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Rarity: and who or what may have caused such a problem.

Izaiah: who is the biggest bully in our school?

Applejack: oh my lord it was Sunset Shimmer who started it all wasn't it?

Izaiah: right on the money Applejack.

Twilight: from the information Izaiah told me, Sunset Shimmer may have impersonated each of you to ruin your friendship to achieve one thing.

Fluttershy: and what would that be?

Izaiah: to be the princess of each Formal to boost her reputation at this school.

Pinkie Pie: she basically divide and conquer?

Izaiah yep.

All of them took a moment to process the information and realized me and Twilight were right about it.

They apologized to each other and made up for it.

Applejack: what now?

Izaiah: simple, we help Twilight win the Fall Formal and end Sunset Shimmer's rain of terror on this school.

They nod in agreement.

Twilight: Izaiah has plan in mind in case Sunset Shimmer pulls a last minute trick.

Applejack: and what would that be?

Izaiah: I'll simply make her immobile.

Rainbow Dash: how?

Izaiah: I studied various things in my spare time over the course of growing up.

Applejack(though): he is hiding something bigger than that.

Izaiah(though): if she gets the crown by force then I may be forced to reveal my powers infront of them.

The day ended and we headed home to get ready for the Fall Formal.

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