Camp Everfree (part four)

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Izaiah's POV:

I was in my tent meditating to see if I can find the source of the equestrian magic or at least the original source and where it started.

I was in my tent meditating to see if I can find the source of the equestrian magic or at least the original source and where it started

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I kept meditating to see if the source was some type of artifact or gem of sorts. My meditation was interrupted by Twilight coming in.

Twilight: hey, Celestia is going over a few things about rock climbing. Wanna come see?

Izaiah: sure, I'll watch.

I got up and went with Twilight to go see the rock climbing demonstration. We got there and saw the rock climb wall.

Izaiah: now this is interesting.

I saw that Sci-Twi was nervous about it and gave her a reassuring pat on the back.

Sci-Twi: could Midnight's magic be doing this?...

Izaiah: no, infact Twilight has been mentoring her on it. I think something else is at play here.

Sci-Twi: what could it be?

Izaiah: I don't know, but I do intend to find out what it is.

Sci-Twi: hopefully it blows over soon...

Izaiah: I'm gonna go talk business with Filthy Rich.

Sci-Twi: another thing about the Otsutsuki, all bow to them...

Izaiah: some, not all, some.

I walked out and saw Filthy Rich walking with Gloriosa.

Izaiah: Filthy Rich.

Filthy: Otsutsuki, how nice to see another billionaire here.

Izaiah: I'll get straight to the point. This camp ain't for sale. I will fund this camp so kids can come here and make memories. Not so you can bury the memories of those who tended here, this camp means a lot to it's owners and those who attend it.

Filthy: bold words for a young man with no experience in business. All bark and no bite

Izaiah: ohhhh I have bark and bite, just wait and see by the end of this field trip my classmates and I are on.

Filthy: we shall see Otsutsuki.

Izaiah: indeed we shall Rich.

He left and Gloriosa was a bit shocked as well.

Gloriosa: you just told Filthy Rich off...

Izaiah: I wasn't kidding about finding this camp. We can talk contracts later. For now let's enjoy the camp.

Gloriosa: I thank you Otsutsuki for sticking up for the camp even though it's not your concern.

Izaiah: Celestia and Luna aren't the only ones who went here as a kid.

Gloriosa: your parents came here too right?

Izaiah: how did you?

Gloriosa: follow me.

She led me to a part of the camp that no one visited.

Gloriosa: my parents kept this one special cause your parents loved their experience here and wanted to add a shrine here so Gaia Everfree would be pleased.

She showed me an shrine that my parents built to Gaia Everfree. I figured my parents would spiritual in a way. I noticed how dirty it was and lacked any real care.

Izaiah: this shrine has seen better days.

Gloriosa: it has...

Izaiah: mind going to help the campers here?

Gloriosa: why?

Izaiah: let it be a surprise.

Gloriosa if you say so.

She left and I got to work cleaning the shrine. It took a bit of time and effort but it was clean again. I added some candles and flowers, along with some natural fruits to it so Gaia would have an offering. I got in my knees and prayed.

Izaiah: spirit of this Forest, I pray you find this offering acceptable. I ask you leave these campers in peace and allow them to enjoy their time here at this camp. I wish you fair winds.

I finished my prayer to Gaia and gave her my respects. I got up and returned to the camp. Little did I know that the actual spirit of Gaia Everfree heard my prayer and accepted the offering. I saw Gloriosa helping the campers.

Izaiah: hey.

Gloriosa: you took a while.

Izaiah: I did a few things and asked Gaia Everfree to let the campers be.

Gloriosa: you fixed the shrine didn't you?

Izaiah: that I did.

Gloriosa: thank you...

Izaiah: I do what I can. I'll see you around.

Gloriosa: you too.

We parted ways, but I still had the odd sense Gaia Everfree isn't cause mischief around the camp. I returned to my tent and went back to meditating. During my meditation I got visions of Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer in a gave with a pedestal housing two geodes. The vision ended before I could see anything else.

Izaiah(mind): I think that's the mine they told us to stay away from... I think the vision gave me the reason why...

I got up and got the scroll that houses my arcane suit in out. I unsealed it as the suit appeared dissembled. I got the parts organized and hid it under the bed until the time was right. I made it a objective to be prepared for a show down for the fourth time in a row.

Izaiah(mind): this is the fourth time a magical battle will be fought... I really gotta get use to magical things existing. And probably learn actual magic...

I meditated on the recent discoveries and tapped into some of the equestrian magic that some how stayed in my body. I never mentioned it to the mane 9 cause I was still adjusting to it's presence as whole. I meditated into the day uninterrupted by any distractions.

-end of chapter-

-authors note-

Sorry for the short chapter again. I started to run out of ideas on how to continue this part, also I been reading the demon slayer manga lately and I am already in the 10th one. I do plan to have the MC use sun breathing against Gloriosa when she becomes Gaia Everfree.

Also I am gonna be doing an marvel and Arifureta fanfic, the MC will be more Dr Doom based. The MC will adopt the identity of Dr Doom and no he won't be called Victor Von Doom, just Dr Doom, but he will rock the suit and name Dr Doom

That is all for this Arthurs note, have a good day/night.

-end of note-

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