Fall Formal (part ten)

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(Arthur's note)

I wanted to say before we begin this part is that this is the end of a Fall Formal arc and there will be chapters in between each arc, with the Console of clans chapter is right after this chapter.

There will be maybe 4 or more in between chapters I can't say for sure.

With that out of the way let's began the closing of the Fall Formal arc.

Izaiah's POV:

We arrived at the school to put our plan into motion.

Izaiah: well this is it the night of the Fall Formal and the closing of the portal.

Twilight: I already said I was staying in this world Izaiah

Izaiah: I know, but you could change your mind at point.

Twilight: my choice is final, I'm staying.

She said in a stern voice.

Izaiah(though): women are scary.

We entered the gym and started to blend in with everyone else to avoid suspension.

We heard Celestia say something on the microphone.

Celestia: I wanted to take a moment to announce our Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal! Will Izaiah Otsutsuki and Twilight Sparkle please come up to the stage and receive your crowns.

Everyone started clapping even the other elements of harmony clapped.

Celestia(though): his parents would be proud of him.

Me and Twilight walked on to the stage as Celestia and Luna put the crowns on mine and Twilight's heads.

Little did we see Snips and Snails dognapped Spike.

Izaiah: uh Twilight Spike just got dognapped.


me and mane 6 chased after them to retrieve Spike only to see Sunset Shimmer holding a hammer.

Sunset Shimmer: isn't this lovely.

Izaiah: had feeling you pull something last minute.

Sunset Shimmer: did you now?

Spike bit Snips and Snails on the hands and ran over to me and the girls.

Sunset Shimmer: the portal is closing soon, nows your chance to hand the crown over and return to Equestria!

Twilight: I won't hand it over. Equestria will find a way to survive without my element.

Sunset Shimmer: fine have it your way.

She raised the hammer above her head and dropped it behind her.

Izaiah: Nani(what).

Sunset Shimmer then snapped her fingers to signal Snips and Snails to get the crown by force.

They seemed to Monkey in middle with each other over the crown only for it end up in Sunset Shimmer's hands

Izaiah: that can't be good.

Twilight: quick get the crown before it's to late!

Sunset Shimmer: finally after all this time, the power is all mine!

She out the crown on her head and started to transform into a she-demon.

She out the crown on her head and started to transform into a she-demon

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