The Terror of Tal'Dorei Part 1

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"Long ago, in another realm, stood the majestic Kingdom of Tal'Dorei. Once the battlefield of gods and titans, it's lands now harbour magic, wonder and mystery. It was a time of peace... until a great evil arrived."

Storm clouds rolled in as there laid dead bodies on the battlefield.

"A brave group of heroes banded together, ready to face this evil."

A group of people stood on a cliff preparing for battle. As the Elder in the middle says, "Hold fast! The beast approaches!"

Everyone pulled out their weapons and magic as they saw the beast in the fog.

But then the dwarf on the far left was crushed by a boulder. "What the fuck?!" The man next to the boulder with a sword said.

"You shall pay for you-" The Elder in the middle was stopped when he was cut into pieces, as some fell on the gnome's face. 

"Holy shi-" As the gnome was in shock, the archer screamed as both her and the gnome were crushed to death.

"Humanity will never fall to your-" The swordsman was then stuck by lightning, reducing him to ashes.

"Well that was... something."

At Tal'Dorei Castle

Someone banged their fist against the table where the battle plan was, as well as knocking some figurines down. "Fuck!" He growled, "All of our mercenaries slaughtered like lambs." A blonde man in armor said, "I state my case again, Sovereign Uriel. Send our army to challenge whatever this fiend is before it decimates the entire kingdom." He said, pleading to the King.

"Perhaps we've been ill advised of our strategies, Sire. I propose we attempt to capture the beast and use it as a weapon against our enemies." the grey elf suggesting.

"I must object, Sir Fince." said a blonde haired woman. "We don't even know what the creature is. Demon, Elemental, and how do you propose we capture it." 

"Lady Allura is right." said Sovereign Uriel.

"But Sire-" Sir Fince was then cut off, "I will not send our remaining army beyond the city walls until we know who or what our enemy is. We must find more mercenaries." said the King.

"And where might I ask? The Torian butchers are butchered, the Murder hobos murdered, the Death dealers are all dead." said Fince, as he listed all the groups of mercenaries they've hired and never came back.

"Then find someone worthy!" Uriel exclaimed, frightening the grey elf. "Do not rest until you bring me the greatest band of mercenaries in all of Tal'Dorei."

At a Tavern

Y/N Pov:

"Chug, chug, chug!" The people in the pub chanted as my friends Vex, Vax, Grog, Pike, and Keyleth were chugging down ale, while Percy was drinking wine in the corner.

I was sitting at the table watching them drink with my pet fox Iris. I wasn't a big drinker like the others so I often watched them drink until they got drunk.

And of course, Grog won again, drinking faster than the others.

"Yeah, haha. That's right, who's the best. Yeah." said Grog.

"Grog wins, again." said Percy, unamused. 

"I'm not surprised, considering he loves to drink ale." Y/N said, as she was petting Iris.

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