Joe Elliott

109 4 3

For R.


His voice was beautiful, his appearance was stunning, but his eyes were her favorite thing about him; and all (y/n) had was a photograph. Yes, (y/n) had found herself falling head over heels for the singer of Def Leppard, Joe Elliott. She looked up at the poster on her wall as the radio played her favorite Leppard song. As the song came to an end, the radio host began speaking.

"In other news, Def Leppard will be doing a signing at Vault Record store tomorrow afternoon."

That immediately got (y/n)'s attention, she got up from her bed and walked over to her closet; already preparing for tomorrow.

When the next day rolled around, (y/n) began getting ready a little early; for she was too excited to wait around any longer.

As she was walking down the street and towards the record store, she couldn't help but notice the lack of people waiting. There was no one in sight in front of the building, she thought the line would be out the door. When she was finally standing in front of the store, she saw the paper on the door reading "Def Leppard signing canceled". (Y/n) was heartbroken, she almost wanted to cry. (Y/n) turned away from the door and walked away aimlessly.

All she was thinking about was how things could have gone, not that anything would have actually happened anyway. But finally being able to meet Joe was all she really wanted. (Y/n) had managed to walk a few blocks and found herself at the plaza that was in the middle of downtown. It was a tourist sight for the most part, people taking pictures of the architecture there. Meanwhile, (y/n) paying no mind to those around her, took a seat on a bench to wallow in her self pity.

A few moments passed and a man sat next to her.

"Couldn't help but notice your t-shirt, why do you look so sad?" A voice laced with an accent, asked.

"I was supposed to meet my favorite band today, but the signing was canceled." She sighed, not looking up at the stranger.

"Your favorite band wouldn't happen to be the one on your shirt, would it?"

"Of course it is, I was supposed to meet D-" (y/n) had finally lifted her head up to look at the man and was cut off mid sentence by her own shock.

Joe took notice of the girl being absolutely baffled and smiled.


"Yup." He chuckled.

(Y/n) was in absolute disbelief that the man she would look at on a poster on her wall, was now standing in front of her.

"You don't look so sad anymore." Joe said, knowingly.

(Y/n) was almost too happy to speak, her mood had taken a complete turn for the better.

"Listen, me and the rest of the guys were gonna walk around and sight see a bit. Would you like to join us, maybe show us around?"

(Y/n) happily accepted the offer, which didn't surprise Joe. Then Joe gestured for her to follow him as they began to approach the rest of the band.

(Y/n) couldn't believe the turn her day took. Yesterday she was staring up at a poster of her favorite band, now she was going to spend the day with them.

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