Snowball fight (fluff)

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Tweek, Craig, Clyde, and Tolkien decided to hang out, since it's been a while. They all met up at Starks pond just to talk, it eventually turned into a snowball fight.

"Gah! W- wait g- guys don't hit m- me!" Tweek was screaming, he was terrified or getting hit, there could be ice in the snow, he could start bleeding, what is he fell? What if he bumped into a stranger and they got REALLY mad and-
Before he knew it a snowball hit him in the face. He just accepted it and fell onto a pile of snow. Ow- ngh- I d- didn't wanna g- get hit!"
He looks up to see a very apologetic Craig.

"Sorry honey I was aiming for Tolkien but he dodged and it hit you" He offers to help Tweek up by holding out his hand, just to get rejected just like that.

Tweek stands up on his own and starts pouting like he did when they were 8 'That's cute' Craig though. Tweek started twitching more than he was earlier and his face looked a little red where the snowball hit him, Tweek walked off looking very upset.

"Dude you fucked up" Clyde said, in a joking manner.

"How about we hang out another time? Craig you should go comfort your husband" Tolkien pushed Craig to get him moving. As Craig walked away he flipped them both off. Before he went home he decided the least he could do for Tweek right now was get him some coffee, so before he went back to their house he stopped by 'Tweak bros coffee' and saw Tweek's mom working the register.

"Hey Mrs Tweak" Craig said after walking over to the counter.

"Oh hello! How are you doing Craig? Is everything ok with you and Tweek?"

"Yeah, I'm just getting him some coffee"

"Okay then, give me a moment I can get that for you"
"Here you go Craig"

"Yeah, thank you Mrs Tweak" Craig says walking out of the coffee shop, making his way home now. He walks into the house and all the lights are off, he figures Tweek is in their bedroom. He opens the door to their room. Tweek?"

"I didn't w- want to get h- hit" Tweek was wining, he sounded like a child and he recognized that part.

"I didn't mean to hit you with that, here, I got you some coffee" Tweek's head perked up when he heard that he got coffee. He grabbed the coffee from Craig and they sat on their bed for a bit, Tweek drinking his coffee, he'd drank half of it before he spoke.

"S- sorry Craig.. I shouldn't have gotten so m- mad at- at something so stupid.." Tweek said looking at the floor, still kinda shaky.

"It's whatever, let's go to sleep, it's getting late and I have work" Craig says before putting Tweek's coffee on the nightstand and pulling the two into their bed. Tweek almost turning red by this sudden act and a sleepy Craig kisses him goodnight. They settle into bed, and fall asleep, holding each other.

💕Creek one-shots💕 (Craig X Tweek)Where stories live. Discover now