Breakfast (fluff)

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This one's really short but wholesome.

Craig woke up early, for him at least, to see Tweek was still asleep. Blonde hair falling onto his face. 'Normally he wakes up first, cute' Craig gave him a kiss and looked at the time, it was almost 7. 'I should make breakfast' Normally Tweek does that, since he wakes up first, but Craig wanted to give Tweek a break today. He went to get up when he realized his arm was pinned. 'What?' He looks at his arm and realizes Tweek's resting, using Craig's arm as a pillow. 'I was going to make breakfast but' He settled back down and lays down next to Tweek again. He looks at the blonde and smiles to himself, his blonde hair laying wildly, his calm breathing and the way he looked so at ease. 'He's so cute when sleeping' It was always been something that Craig had noticed but never got much time to appreciate. After a few minutes Tweek woke up to see Craig looking at him. "Good morning, honey" Craig paused. "I would have made breakfast but you were sleeping on my arm, I didn't want to wake you" Tweek's face went a bit red, although still kinda tired he responded.

"G- good morning.." he moved so he wasn't sleeping on Craigs arm anymore. Feeling a little embarrassed, he sat on the edge of the bed. "I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean t- to" He was all flustered and it was adorable. He was immediately pulled into a warm embrace.

"We can just sit here if you'd like" Tweek accepted the hug moving closer to Craig. They sat there in bed together, planning just to go out in a little bit for breakfast instead.

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