A bet? (Fluff?)

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Age- 17-18

"Hey Kenny" Butters yelled walking towards him.

"Hey Butters, what's up?" Kenny looked down at Butters. Who was trying to catch his breath.

"I'm giving 40$ to whoever can make Craig angry first! 2 people are already playing, do you wanna play?" Butters never intentionally caused chaos like thus, so it was out of character, but Kenny couldn't turn down a chance for free money.

"Yeah sure, sounds fun, and like easy money" Kenny watched butters smile happily.

"Okay it starts tomorrow!" Butters waved to Kenny and walks off.

'Making Craig mad is easy, if you know how to do it right' Kenny was quite pleased with his plan and walked to his first class.

Time skip- The next day

'Why is Kenny looking at me? Or is he looking at Craig..? Cartman and Clyde were doing it earlier too! That's a lot of pressure..! Are they planning something? Is there something different about me?!' Tweek walked closer to Craig "umm.. C- Craig..?" Tweek twitched a bit from being stared at.

"What's up honey?" Craig stopped walking to looked down at Tweek who was fidgety.

"People a-are sitting at us..! I don't know if I- I'm imagining it o- or?" Tweek didn't know if he was overreacting it or not. But he was extremely nervous and twitchy.

"No-one's staring at us, calm down" Craig tried, in this situation it would normally work but Tweek was still freaking out.

"C- Craig please I'm seriously f-freaking out! Th- three people a- and we just- ngh- got here!" Tweek looked at Craig waiting for an answer, fidgeting with his hands.

"Tweek, if someone stares at us, it doesn't necessarily mean anything okay?" He kissed Tweek, Tweek nodded and they began walking again. When they go to their first class, science, when Tweek sat down, he noticed that Kenny was still staring at him, which made him panic.

'Why is Kenny staring at me?! Is there something on my face? Too much pressure!!' He started shaking and Craig noticed this.

"Tweek, you okay?" Craig said concerned.

"Gah! Oh.. y- yeah.. sorry Craig.." Tweek looked back down at his paper, while still freaking out to himself. 'it's probably nothing, I might just be imagining it!' He anxiously bit his fingernails, twitching every so often. After the first 3 classes it was lunch. Cartman walked over to their table.

"Well hello Craig, how are you today? I'd like to inform you that, well sadly the thing you love most has.. died..." Cartman put on a fake sad face, and looked at Craig.

"Tweek's not dead, he's right here" Tweek's face went red and he looked at the floor, while drinking coffee, he could hear Clyde and Tolkien laughing.

"No! Your stupid hamster! I give up! I tried you guys!" Cartman walks away furiously sitting back at his table.

"Dude smooth!" Clyde Clyde said laughing, he got up and walked over closer to Craig. "Not trying to be 'Mr Steal Your Man' but Tweek looks pretty cute right now" He said winking.

"I know, and?" Craig gave him a death stare.

"Woah, don't worry dude! Don't be mad, just a joke" He said putting up his hands.

"I'm not mad, but I will be if you actually try anything" Craig wrapped his arm around Tweek, still glaring at Clyde before going back to what he was doing.

'Well I'm not trying to die today, so you're next, Kenny' Clyde walked back to his seat and began joking around again. Finally it's the last class and Tweek can't wait to get home. The bell finally rings, Tweek tried to get out quickly but got shoved around until he was the last one out, like always. He was walking to his locker when someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him away.

"GAH! Am I- I being k- kidnapped?! Oww- GAH! Wh- where are we g- going!?!" Too many people are around him, he can't see the person dragging him because of that. He shuts his eyes and tries to calm down.

'That's weird Tweek's not at his locker? Did he leave already?' Craig waited before opening Tweek's locker to find his stuff still there. 'He must still be in the school then' Craig walks around a bit before seeing a group of kids blocking the hallway. He spots out Tolkien who's standing in one of the more outer rings of the cluster. "Tolkien, what going on?"

"Dude go do something- like NOW" Tolkien looks shocked, but his voice was very demanding, so Craig knew he was serious.

'But what's going on?' He decided not to question, as he pushed his way through the crowd until he saw what was happening. Kenny McCormick making out with Tweek. Tweek looked terrified, he looked like he was about to cry, he was trying to get away but was overwhelmed by the situation, and Kenny being bigger and stronger, having been pinned to the wall. Kenny deepened the kiss, acknowledging Craig could now see what was happening, Tweek still didn't kiss back. Next thing he knew Craig punched Kenny in the gut. "WHAT THE FUCK MCCORMICK!" He grabbed Kenny's collar bringing them face to m face. Craig heard the crowd start cheering.

"What's wrong? Did I hit a nerve?" Craig wanted to beat the shit out of Kenny right now, but before he could, his arm was grabbed.

"Wait Craig, dude calm down!" It was Clyde, and it looked like Butters was trying to console Tweek, who was shaking, not crying yet due to shock. "Listen dude we can explain but put him down real quick, ok?" Craig was furious but reluctantly put Kenny down, and went so sit next to Tweek.

"So what's this 'explanation'?" He was ready to murder Kenny if it was a stupid excuse. He sat down next to Tweek and grabbed him into a hug, Tweek was crying now, twitching and pulling at his hair. Craig grabbed Tweek's hand to stop him. Then he looked at Clyde, Kenny, and Butters who looked like they had some explaining to do, and they did. Although Kenny didn't look apologetic. "Well?"

"So, well, Butters said he'd pay the first person to make you mad 40$, and Cartman was playing too" Clyde said that quickly. Craig was furious. Butters is Tweek's best friend, no telling if he knew it would come down to messing with Tweek but still, what an asshole.

"That's your reason?" Craig gave Tweek a kiss to calm him dow before standing up again, continuing his fight with Kenny. Kenny wasn't showing any remorse for kissing Tweek, knowing he's taken, even if it was a stupid 'game' they were playing. This time Kenny fought back. After a few minutes they tray were separated by a teacher. They had to explain what happened and they got detention. In the end, Kenny had a broken nose, bruised knuckles, a black eye, and some bruises on the rest of his body. Craig had a black eye, some other bruises, and a sprained wrist. After 2 hours detention was out and Craig walked to 'Tweek bros' too find his boyfriend. He walked in, invited by the smell of coffee. He saw Tweek and Tolkien sitting at a table near the Counter, so he walks over and sits next to the blonde.

"Hey Craig, you good? Your fight with Kenny was intense" Tolkien asked looking at his black eye. Tweek leaned on Craigs shoulder while facing the window.

"I'm fine, anyways, Tweek are you okay?"

"I'll leave you two alone, bye" with that Tolkien stood up and left the shop.

"I- I'm fine.. I was talking w- with Tolkien while waiting for my- my break to be o- over, I have almost 10 min- minutes left" Tweek continued to look out the window before picking up his coffee.

"Well could you look at me?" Tweek turned to face Craig, they kissed for a minute before pulling apart looking at each other. "I love you"

"I love you too, Craig" Tweek smiled.

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