Bullied (angst)

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Age- both 16 ⚠️TW Self image issues and bullying⚠️ (bullies are made up)

"Gah!-" Tweek fell face first into the cold, snowy ground. Tyler grabbed Tweek's blonde hair and pulled his face up looking at him.

"Have fun with your nose bleed, fag!" Tyler's friends laughed for a bit before telling him to hurry up. Tyler shoves Tweek's head into the snow again, before threatening him. "Remember tell anyone and you're dead" he stood up, kicking Tweek for 'good measure' and left laughing.

Tweek lifted himself from the ground, looking at the tinted red snow beneath him, slowly more drops of red blood fell down into the snow, along with tears. He sat up and touched his face with his hand, pulling back to see a lot of blood. Before he could panic about the blood something else scared him.

"Hey Tweek!"

"GAH!" Tweek screeched and quickly turned around. "O- oh hi Butters.." Tweek says still covering the bottom half of his face with his hand.

"I didn't mean to scare ya, why are you on the ground? Butters says reaching out a hand which Tweek accepted, standing up.

"Well, I was- ngh- walking and I- I.. slipped- my nose st- started bleeding... a lot.." Tweek hates lying, but doesn't want anymore trouble for him, or anyone else. His eye is twitching and his body is shaking.

"That's not good! Let's get you to the nurse, besides we're about to be late for school"

"We're going to b- be late for school?! Y- your parent would gr- ground you if they found out!! GAH! We're going to be late!!" Tweek tried to pull at his hair, forgetting his hand was covered in blood, and Butters grabbed his wrist. Tweek winced at his grip.

"Your hand is covered in blood, you don't want that in your hair" Butters said smiling, trying to calm him down the way Craig does, but obviously it's not the same. (Purely platonic) "We can take our time, no need to rush, my parents are out of town right now anyways"

"O- okay, thank y- you Butters" Suddenly screeching tires ruin Tweek's almost calmed down mood, the window of the car rolls down, it's Tolkien to save the day as always.

"Hey Tweek- dude what happened? Your nose is bleeding?" Tolkien was talking from the window, in the background you could see Clyde scrolling through his phone.

"I- it's fine- ish, I s- slipped..! That's all.." Tweek said, faster than what seemed 'normal' but for him I guess no-one questions it.

"Ok, well if you and Butters want a ride to school get in!" Tweek and Butters nod and get into Tolkiens fancy car his parent got him. He only got his drivers license a few years ago, and already has a expensive car. They get to school and when they walk in they part ways, leaving Tweek at the nurse.

'I don't want to go to the nurse over a nose bleed.. I'll just go to the bathroom' Tweek walks away from the nurses office and goes to the bathroom to wash off the blood. Before exiting and walking to his locker. Classes haven't started yet, thankfully, so he doesn't have to rush. He gets to the hallway and Craig is leaning against his locker. Craig noticed him and waved, as Tweek got to his locker. "Hi Babe" Tweek says with a smile.

"Hi honey" Craig moves out of the way so Tweek can open his locker. They talk for a bit but Tweek is being kinda quiet. The bell rings and they leave to go to their classes. Tweek didn't feel good and thought going to the nurse would be a good idea now.

"What, Tweek?"

"C- can I go to t- the nurse..?" Tweek asks looking at the floor at the teachers desk.

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