Fever (Fluff)

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"C- Craig?" Tweek shakes his shoulders until he gets a response from his husband. Craig wakes up, ish, he's less than half awake. He thinks that Tweek is just cold, or wants to be cuddled, so he sleepily wraps his arm around Tweek and sorta mumbles under his breath.

"Go to sleep, love you" Barely a whisper, his voice trailing off at the end.

"Ngh! Craig can you wake up?" Tweek was freaking out, he woke up feeling really hot, he checked the thermostat and it was its normal temperature, he tried sleeping away from Craig, but then he was freezing. His brain landed on 2 conclusions, he was attacked in his sleep by aliens and his perception of temperature has been heightened, or he has a cold. He just starts screaming.

"What? Oh hey - honey, why are you screaming- what time is it?" Craig says in between yawns.

"I- Gah! Been trying to wake you up for a while b- but you- you wouldn't so I-" Tweek's rambling was cut off.

"Honey calm down, what happened it's 4 AM"

"W- well, I can't find The- the- thermometer, and I think I have a co- cold" Tweek says, trying and slightly succeeding to calm down.

"Will it make you calm down if I take your temperature?" Craig asks sitting next to Tweek.

"Yes!" Craig gets up from the bed stepping into the bathroom attached to their room, opens a few cabinets and finds the thermometer, walking back into the room.

"Okay open your mouth" After 30 seconds the thermometer beeped "Just a slight fever, you should stay in bed" Craig replies.

"What?! Wh- what's my temperature?!" Tweek grabs the thermometer and looks at it 102.8 "GAH! Cr- Craig! This is terrible! I have a terrible fever!-"

"Tweek, your being paranoid I promise you're fine. Ok? Your not hurt, just a fever" he tries to hold Tweek's shaking hand to calm him down, yet fails as Tweek is being more paranoid.

"God- ngh! What- what if I get scarlet fever?! W- wait no I ca- cant get that! R- right? Oh god- what if I- I die?!" Tweek's twitching and shaking like crazy, pulling his hair with one hand.

"Tweek stop it's 4 in the fucking morning, calm down you're not going to die" He grabs Tweek's hand away from his hair, to stop him from pulling on it, and pulls Tweek onto his lap giving him a hug. "I'm sorry for yelling but it's early and you shouldn't be freaking out like this, okay honey?"

'Why wouldn't I trust Craig? He's no stupid'
"O- okay.."

"Just go back to sleep, ok? I'll lay down in a minute" Craig gives Tweek a kiss and lays him down on the bed. Tweek falls asleep almost instantly. Craig looks at Tweek sleeping. 'How is he so cute?'

💕Creek one-shots💕 (Craig X Tweek)Where stories live. Discover now