The new girl

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Jonah p.o.v.

Wake up Jonah, I hear my mom yell from down stairs. "What," I say trying to open my eyes. It's time for school she says coming in my room opening the curtains. Oh okay I say getting out of bed. I then walk to the bathroom and brush my silky blonde hair an get dressed. Are you finished I hear my mom say. Yeah I'm finished I say walking downstairs to the kitchen to eat. Mhhhhhh mom something smells good I say piking up a piece of bacon from my little sister plate. Well thanks mom but I should really get to school.( this is the highest school in all the country, where majority of white people go there's a little amount of Asian). I then get in my car in pick up Matthew and Seth my two best friends. Hey dude you know its this new girl coming to our school Seth say making a face of disgust. Why the face. Its because we heard she's black and she lives in the so called projects Matthew say cutting in. Well I guest we better show her, her place in this school I say grinning.

Dahlia p.o.v.
Oh my gosh I can't believe I actually got in this school I mentally scream in my head. I then scan my clothes to make sure I look okay. Today I just decided to go with these skinny jean and a white t with my Jordans.Next stop will be going to Johnson prep the bus driver say. I just squeal as I hear it. I'm going to make something of my self I say rubbing my beautiful dark skin. As the bus driver pull up to the school I notice that everybody is in uniform. I then start to panic as I get of the bus. By Mr. Joe I say to the driver. As I walk on campus everybody start to look at me. I just smile an continue to walk to the office. As I approach the door I start to get really nervous. What am I'm going to do. I quickly shake it off in knock on the door. Come in dear I hear a man say, I then open the door to find a man around 28 with beautiful feature. You must be Dahlia he say snapping me back to reality, Yes I am I say nodding my head. Well here is your classes he say handing me a piece of paper. Not to offend you or anything but your the blackest thing I've ever seen. At that moment I just wanted to punch his face but I like it roll of me cause I'm beautiful. Um may I ask you a question I say. Yeah of course darling. Am I'm the only black person at this school? Yeah you are the only one at this school I mean there are about five Asian and the rest are white so yeah he say. Also you student guide will be here soon to show you around.

Jonah p.o.v.
As I get to school I hear people talking about that girl. She's already starting shit I say. Jonah I hear a teacher call, yes. You need to go to the office. I just shrug my shoulders in head to the office see you guys later I say as we reach the door. I then just walk in seeing the darkest person I've ever seen. I mean I'm not racist or anything but dang. Yes Mr. James I say recovering from the shock. You will be Dahlia student guide today he say motioning towards her. I then just look her way saying hi. She smiles and say hi introducing her self. Oh I'm jonah Taylor I say as I grab her schedule. Um it seems we have all are classes together I say frowning. She must have notice because she just looked away as if she was about to cry. Um I can find my own way around she say grabbing her schedule from my hand leaving. I just smirk it off in follow her out the door. Hey Dahlia just follow me to our first class at least I say holding her hand pulling her. As we get to class I quickly let go of her hand going to my group of people. I guess you can say I am pretty popular. Like all the girls want me bit it gets annoying sometimes. I then look up to see that Dahlia have set by Leah. Everybody then make nasty faces at them. Oh my gosh this gonna be one hell of a year I mumble to myself.

Dahlia p.o.v.
As he let go of my hand I can't help but look into his light blue eyes as he make his way to his friends. I then just go to the first empty desk in sit in it introducing myself to this girl named Leah. We then just talk the rest of class with everyone giving us these faces except for Jonah. Omg I can't believe jonah is looking our way she say smiling at me. So what about it I say still pissed at him. Its nothing but I think he likes you. Nah he can't like me just look at me then him. And she say having a point. I'm black and he is white we just wouldn't mix I say looking down. You probaly should not hang out with me she say looking sad, everyone will hate you. I really don't care I mean they don't like me anyway. True that she say smiling. He's still looking she say making head nods his way. I then turn around to face him. Hey you know its not good to just stare. He just smirk. So what technically am I'm looking at he say emotionless. The whole class just go silent and start to stare at us. Don't act stupid I saw you staring at me I say getting pissed that he just embarrassed me. Hmmmm... I don't recall he say licking his lips. Are you mad at me he say as I turn around. No I'm not mad. You one its not good manners to talk to someone without making eye contact he whisper in my ear giving it a nibble. You know you didn't have to walk across the classroom to tell me that I sxy glaring at him. I know he say lowering his head to my neck still nibbling. Please stop that I say trying to push him of but he just grab my hand in start to bite on it. I just bite my lip trying not to moan. That's enough Mr. Taylor the teacher say walking in. He then stop I will finish this later he say laughing a little. Your a joke a girl say, he doesn't like you after all your black she say turning red. She then start to laugh in the class join in including Jonah. Haha you are funny first of who the hell said I cared if he liked me, I could give two shits if he did and second of all don't call me a joke or I will show you what a beating really is I say losing my cool. Ms.Johnson sit down the teacher say I just sit down. I then hear some of the people call me ghetto. I just shrug it off in walk out with Leah as the bell rings

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