What the Hell!!!!!

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Her step dad Nick so yeah I hope you like the way that he look :)

"Hi", I say stuttering a bit " I can't believe it's you" I say looking at my gorgeous step dad. What the hell Dahlia he's your step dad don't think like that. "Hey Dahlia, there's no need for you to get all flustered like that" he say smirking. I just simply nod my head not wanting to embarrass myself. "Hi aunt" I say giving her a small smile. "Did you walk all the way here and who is this little guy". "Yeah me and my friend got into an argument, he's just so aggrivating you know and this Luna, so which room will I be in".
"Actually sweetheart you will be living with Nick until your mom comes back". "Oh,I didn't no that". I say "Is that a problem a petite woman stands up saying". "Oh no ma'am, but if you don't mind me asking who exactly are you"." Ummm I'm Nick's wife Amy and this is are son Alex". "Oh". Dahlia help me take your things to the car, and don't worry we only live about 10 minutes away, so you don't have to switch schools" he say giving a reassuring smile. We then quietly head outside to the truck of the car. "Dahlia when I say something to you I expect you to answer back, do I make myself clear". He says clearly upset  " Yes sir".
We then just put my stuff in the truck in head back inside to get the others in head out. Once we get them we head to there place." Omg is this yours" I say admiring there beautiful house, I mean it doesn't beat Jonah house or anything but it's a pretty two story house. As I get out the car there eyes just follow my every move making me feel kinda nervous you could almost say. I then just get my bags and make my war to the front door. "Hey let me show you your room" Alex says. Holding my hand. "ALEX" my step dad warn as he look at our hands. "Sorry dad" he says as he let go. "Come Alex, show me to my room",I say grabbing his wrist. " So what was that about," i ask ." I don't really know" Alex reply sincerely. " So how old are you", I ask trying to start a conversation. "I'm 17 years old" he say leading me to a door. " Oh I'm 16. I then open the door to find a beautiful room. "Wow" I'm glad you like it, Alex says smiling.

"You know your really handsome I say admiring his face". His then began to blush a light shade of red. " I'm right across the hall if you ever need anything" he say going into his room. I then unpack all my things in decorate the room to make it feel like me. "Hey can I come in", Nick says as he open the door without even waiting for my answer. "So, do you want to talk about something" I say as he sits beside me on the bed. "Oh not really, it's just that you really have gotten bigger ", he says as he places a hand on my thigh. "Ummm could you please remove your hand from my leg" I say a bit nervous. "Why, do I make you uncomfortable", he says with a cocky grin. " Yes well you kinda do". "So my son is allowed to touch you but I'm not", he says snapping at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that it's just that it's always been me and my mom, this all so new I'm sorry Nick. " It's okay baby girl and call me dad from now on". "Alright dad" I say a bit arkwardly. "Seeya later kiddo", he's says as he exit my room.

Jonah p.o.v

"Dude maybe you should just talk to her get your feelings across, instead of just mopping around " matt says sitting on my bed. "Yeah, but I doubt she would want to talk to me after I left her on the highway"." Just text her in ask to meet up you know spend some time with her at her place". "That's exactly what I will do". I say trying to sound enthusiastic. " "What ever dude do whatever you want" matt says finally giving up. "I will just talk to her after school tomorrow". "Dude I got to go" matt say walking downstairs. "Bye" I then plop on my bed and get a text.

Unknown: You should probaly stop talking to Dahlia if you know what's best for you

Me: Wtf, who is this

Unknown: I'm no one that concern you

Me: I'm not staying away soooo Fuck you

Unknown: Just back off she's mines, she always has been

After I read this text I just lose it. Like who the fuck do he think he is. Like I will fucking kill this person  he just don't know.
He's messing with the wrong person. And if anything everyone knows that Dahlia is mine even if it's not official yet I mean come on this is fucking stupid. Like who is he to tell me to stay away from whats mine. He's has no fucking idea
I mentally scream in my head.

Me: yeah whatever you believe that

I then turn my phone off bot wanting to get anymore irritated then I'm already am. "Jonah could you come downstairs " I hear my mom screams. I only come downstairs to face both of my parents. "Is something going on, I ask a little confused. "Yeah there is Jonah, you see I'm going to put you though a test" my dad says motioning me to sit. "About what" "How to take care of money in things , so basically son you need to learn aboutthe way life goes. Don't worry we got you a place to stay it's a penthouse about 15 minutes away from your school. So where giving you 12,000 dollars to go off on your own but when you run out you run out. You must pay rent, buy groceries  and utilities. You will be staying there for 4 months then you can come home if you choose to. Me and your mother will check in with you two times out of each month just the make sure things are going steady.Also we payed first month there already furniture there in every single room. We are payed off." My dad say beaming at me . "Okay, this should be fun" I say liking the thought of my own place. "So what is it for" " It just suppose to teach you about responsibility, for the late when you become CEO  of our company you will somewhat know how to run things" he say.  " That makes alot of since now that I think about it , so do I leave today". I say a bit eager to go. "Actually sweetheart you will be staying tonight when you get home from school we can move  you in and don't worry I will already have your things packed and ready to go". She says probaly hoping that I won't agree to do this.

Thanks for reading this chapter guys, I really appreciate it. So how bout Jonah new place and how bout Dahlia host family is she going to stay there long  well idk In will they start dating like I'm ready now................ Anyway please vote comment follow me
Also if you guys have idea about anything let me know I will be sure to mention you in my book so yeah thanks again Byeeeeee

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