Chapter 5: The Treaty part 2

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Izuku Irons: Everybody thinks their ideas are right. That's why the people you call terrorists call themselves freedom fighters. The fundamentalists think they're right, the other heroes think they're right, and the villains think they're right. And no one will ever convince anyone of anything. And all these honorable men and women, lecturing the world from the floors of congresses and parliaments. Whose time has long since the past, refuse to admit, publicly at least, ideas don't determine who's right. Power determines who's right. 

Atlas forces began to assault Overhaul's building to rescue the girl named Eri then finally success to rescue the kid and arrest Overhaul by hanging on the chopper.

Intro theme:

UN Assembly, New York, USA

Leaders from the free world and the UA high teacher Aizawa and the principal Nezu began to speak the truce to the Atlas CEO Izuku Irons. News cameras broadest around the world

Applause theme:

Izuku raises his right hand as they stop applauding.

Izuku: I'm happy to see every day of you welcome the UN Assembly and we brought a guest Principal Nezu and class 1A advisor Aizawa from the UA high.

The applause to the both teacher and principal from the UA.

Nezu: It is a pleasure to all of you and I would like the certainty of progress then I should address. Also, the Class 1A advisor will resign and will replace Minoru Mihara, Mineta's Mom, the no. 1 Pornstar actress,  and sexiest woman as a new Class 1A advisor. *gasp* Oh my, what a juicy coincidence but I need tea for a moment pls.

Izuku: Sure why not.

Nezu pulls out from his pocket and began to laugh while drinking.

Nezu: *creepy laugh*

Nezu: *creepy laugh*

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Izuku: (thought: Shit what the fuck is wrong with him is he thinking about Mineta's Mom, damn).

Izuku: (thought: Shit what the fuck is wrong with him is he thinking about Mineta's Mom, damn)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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