Ch-2: First steps to knowing about the world

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{{A.N.- So, how are all of you doing? I hope everything is good with all of you. Here is another chapter even before I said so, Ain't a good person? Besides that I hope you would listen to the above video, it's a great English cover of COLOR from Code Geass by Studio Yuraki. Just listen and you would remember the anime.}}

I was the emperor of the world. I could have the world's army assemble at my feet, kneeling down with the snap of a finger. I could have controlled everyone with geass. I've outdueled everyone in terms of strategies. In terms of battle tactics, strategies and manipulation, I was second to none, for having intelligence was essential to achieve all those things in my past world on Earth. I achieved everything that one could have. Yet, I couldn't think of a prouder moment in my two lives than now.

I can crawl baby!

'Till now, I had to make do with the stories mother would tell me while trying to make me fall asleep. I grumbled out noises of complaint when she stopped too early. My father would sometimes sit me on his lap while idly talking to me about his old days, which gave me some hints as to what kind of world this was and what it was filled with.

Reynolds Leywin, former adventurer, (apparently that's a viable occupation in this world) had quite a lot of experience in this field. He was a part of several parties that went on expeditions to search for treasure and fulfil missions they acquired from the Adventurer Guild. He eventually settled down when he met my mother at the Kingdom's border in a city called Valden. He proudly told me how my mother fell head over heels for him at first sight when he visited the town's Adventurer Guildhall that she had been working at that time, but I suspected it was the exact opposite of how my mother slapped him across the back of the head and told him to stop telling me lies.

My name was Arthur Leywin now, by the way. Art for short, which, as a demon emperor, sounded a little too cute, but hey, after getting a glimpse of myself in the metal sheet they used as a mirror in the washroom, I looked adorable. I got my mother's glowing auburn hair while my eyes were a bright azure colour, inherited from my father. I don't know how my facial features are going to turn out as I mature, but as long as I don't turn out fat, it'll be okay.

Maybe if it was another person, he would have been saying something like~  'Watch out future ladies! Prepare to be heartbroken!'. But I, no, I don't want fangirls anymore!!!

Wait a minute, what is that between my collarbones? I started to focus and then found a faint impression of a symbol, a symbol which shouldn't exist in this world!! Even though it's faint, it's really the symbol of code. But why? Maybe it got transmigrated along with my soul but what would it change? Only time would tell.

Since there was no point in thinking I had to do many important things.

After weeks of attempting to crawl, yet only achieving an uncoordinated scuffle in place, I had finally succeeded; even managing to sneak into the family's library/study room while my mother was hanging the laundry out to dry. Mother rued the day I started to become mobile, sighing, "I swear, you're going to become as hard to manage as your father."


I closed the encyclopedia and situated myself more comfortably on the ground... basically I just laid on my belly because crawling and sitting upright was so damn tiring.

Pondering over what I had just read, this world seemed pretty underdeveloped. From what I could infer, there didn't seem to be much technological advancement. The only source of transportation appeared to be horse-driven carriages, that varied in size for overland use, and ships with sails for rivers.

Weapons were freely allowed and not really regulated unless you were visiting the royal family or people that held authority. For God's sake, it continues to baffle me every time I see people carrying weapons while shopping for groceries.

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