CH 6- Interacting with Twin Horns

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{(Yo, How are all of you, I hope you are fine, lets go to the story then)}

I didn't know if his goal was to beat some sense into the kid he assumed had gotten an inflated ego since he heard I was some sort of genius or if he was genuinely trying to gauge my strength, but by the smug grin he had on his face while looking down at me (even if it was only natural for him to physically look down at me, it still irked me), I assumed it might've been for the former reason.

Retrieving the wooden sword I received as a present from my parents, I walked to the edge of the camp where Adam was waiting near a small clearing.

"You know how to reinforce your weapon right, genius?" he asked, emphasizing the last word.

By this time, my father already sensed that Adam was just trying to put on a show of dominance into his little boy, but he just watched, knowing he wouldn't hurt me too much.

Many thanks, dear father.

My mother looked a bit more anxious as she kept glancing back and forth between me, Adam, and my father, keeping a firm hold on her husband's sleeve.

Well at least mother was here to heal me if I got hurt, right?

I focused my gaze on Adam, who was just around 5 meters away from me. I knew if I fight fair and square like a swordsman, I would lose. He has the advantage over me in all strength, speed, and skills. But would I get defeated if go with my plans? No, I won't

I willed mana into my legs and rather than dash forward I bent down a little and started to tie my shoelaces which were already tied.

His smug look still present, He said with a little bit of mocking tone in his voice, "Oh, so you are checking your shoelaces, don't tell me you are afraid of falling due to that"

"Hnnf" I grunted with an irritating tone and moved forward by making it like I am acting due to anger with a sword in my right hand and a fist in my left.

"Ah, someone seems to have become angry" He blocked my attack easily but how could he have known, he just fell into my trap. 

I quickly opened my left hand and threw soil that I gathered during my fake checking of shoelaces. He instantly started to rub his eyes for a few seconds but even a single second can lead to death in a battle. Before he could open his eyes I put my sword on his groin and said.

"You have been defeated"

He was shocked. His face was amusing to see. I am feeling this after quite some time.

Then I looked around, only to see seven stupefied faces staring at me.

Suddenly heard Adam's voice "Hey that's shrewd, you didn't fight fair"

"Oh really, but I don't think this was a fair fight from starting, you are already in the twenties while I am not even your 1/6 in age. You have the advantage in all strength, speed, skills, and experience. The point in which I am better than you in a fight is my intelligence which I used. Not to mention, it was your fault that you underestimated me and didn't put your guard, if not for that, this would have never worked"

Everyone was surprised after hearing my points. They have never imagined seeing a 3-year able to understand his position and make plans while predicting what opponent would. Adam still tried to give an excuse.

"You just got lucky, there is no way a 3-year-old kid would be more intelligent than me."

"If that's what you believe, what about playing a game of chess."


Adam and I were starting our match, tbh I was surprised that he know how to play it. Then I found Jasmine playing it sometimes with everyone and have taught them basic moves.

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