CH-5 The Power of Geass

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{(A.N.- So how all of you are doing. I hope everything is fine. Now lets dig in to the story)}

A *clang* drowned out the silence as my mother dropped her fork onto her plate.

"What? Reynolds! Arthur isn't even four yet! No! Besides, you said if our son was an augmenter, you'd be able to teach him!" Mother spoke with evident desperation.

"I, also, never expected our son to be this much of a prodigy in mana manipulation. Who has ever heard of awakening at the age of two, Not to mention he can be both conjurer and an augmenter?" Father responded a lot more calmly.

"But that means he'll have to leave home! He's only three, Reynolds! We can't have our baby leave home at such an early age!"

"You don't get it. When I observed his body while he meditated, I couldn't help but feel that all of this was natural to him. Alice honey, I'm holding my son back by trying to teach him something he can do in his sleep."

Thus began my parents' quarrel.

They went back and forth, basically repeating their initial points; my mother kept saying that I was too young, and my father said that they couldn't hold me back from reaching my full potential, blah blah.

In the meantime, I was playing a game of war with my food, the peas attacked for the Mother Empire, while the carrots of the Father Nation desperately defended their land. 

Then I started to think about what happened in the past year since the awakening as a mage and gaining my Geass back.



It has been already two weeks since I became a mage and regained Geass. Untill now, I never went outside to the market without my mother or father. But now I have to do so to check the powers of Geass and changes in it. 

The first thing which changed is that Geass awakened in both of my eyes, unlike the time. Which was different from the past. I still don't know if it will become permanent or not. But that could only be told by time.

Not to mention I really want to buy something, it feels lonely without it. (A.N.- Can anyone make a right guess without reading further?)

So I got up and went to my mother to ask her.

"Mother, can I go to the market? I want to buy something"


I am a little bit surprised to hear this. Until now whenever she went to the market with Art, he always asks questions about different things especially if it is related to the field of magic but he never asked me anything to buy for him. Of course, I feel happy about that as it makes him like a normal child even if he is a prodigy never seen before.

But what could have changed him suddenly? Don't tell me it is because he is feeling pressured due to the training.

"Mom, did something happen?", he asked me with a worried gaze. So I replied with a smile

"Nothing happened Art, we can go to the market in the evening if you want."

"Mom, I mean, can I go alone"

What? sending him alone to the market. Even if he is a mage and very intelligent for his age, he is still just 2 years old. It seems that training is affecting him in a bad way. But before I could refuse him, he started to say again.

"Mama, can I please go, I would come back before evening"

This time his eyes were sparkling, I have never seen him making such a cute pleading. Even though I know he is purposely doing so, it got through to me. There is no way I could refuse such a cute face from my dear son.

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