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"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know

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"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.

-Ernest Hemingway

"MUM IS GOING TO kill me. It is official I'm done for. She is going to come down here and clip my ear." James moaned over and over again whilst staring at the paper in his hands that he had just received. The contents were made up of James' true grades which he may or may not have lied about to his parents. Telling them he had been receiving Exceeds Expectations in all of his subjects was obviously enough to cause Euphemia to become suspicious. She had found that whilst most of his grades had aligned with the words he said, his astronomy grade was sitting at a dismal score of Troll.

"She would never do anything to hurt her precious pumpkin." Sirius spoke in a sickeningly sweet tone whilst clasping his hands together against his chest and a ditsy glimmer in his eyes.

"You could always get help if you are that worried." Remus suggested without lifting his eyes from his Transfiguration assignment that he needed to get done.

"I have no time to get extra help. Between Quidditch and...other things I do in my free time I couldn't possibly manage tutoring." His face twisted in an odd manner at the horrific excuse he came up with.

"Quidditch season hasn't started yet has it?" Peter thought aloud.

"Yes. Thank you Peter for your outstanding contribution." He twisted his neck in an almost possessed manner and glared at Peter with a look that told him to not utter another word.

"Sorry." The quiet boy apologised. He uncrossed his legs and left the room no longer wanting to be a nuisance.


"Mother is going to kill me. When I arrive home she is going to lose it and I will no longer be allowed to enter in the contest of the living. I will be left to roam around Hogwarts alongside the Bloody Baron and Myrtle." Arabella attempted to soothe a hysterical Velinva that was not impressed with her mother's reaction to her scores.

"Correct me if I am wrong but the letter read 'Well done on such marvellous results honey, when you return home we shall celebrate the good news with cake and a small gathering.' I am struggling to see the threat." Another tear fell from Velinva's eyes.

"You understand that feeling of impending doom that enters your chest when you feel as if something bad is about to happen?" Arabella nodded her head. "It is like that, but instead of impending doom it is more of a prickly sensation that I get whenever my mother is too nice."

Arabella always found it rather tricky to understand the negative family relationships that existed within her friends lives. When she thought about her parents she felt neutral. Well to be truthful she could rarely remember times she spent with them. Every time she saw them she lived through it and the moment they separated it was like someone had erased all memory of them. She reduced it down to her almost goldfish like memory but sometimes it perplexed her.

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