𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐

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"If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life

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"If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life."

-Oscar Wilde

THE SUN HAD BARELY opened its eyes on the world before Arabella had woken up and started to get ready for the day ahead. She moved rather sluggishly as her night of sleep that should have been peaceful was full of dreaded nightmares that consisted of James Potter being a planet whilst threatening to burn her alive and whilst it was a perplexing memory her heart thought it was one of the scariest things she had encountered in a long time. 

As yet another yawn released itself from her mouth, she launched herself up off the bed and headed into the bathroom, hoping that the warm stream would help her relax. Around twenty minutes had passed and her hair had been fully washed alongside her body and now she was just attempting to dry her hair using a spell she had learnt the other day. She tensed her body and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the words she was about to utter. 

A light swish had surrounded her and following this she very carefully peeled open her eyes and what she saw caused her jaw drop to the floor. She looked like she had been electrocuted. Her hair that often had ringlets embedded within had turned into a straw like substance and had increased thrice in size. This was just her luck.

"Oh no." She looked at the watch on the side of the sink and processed as it read twenty passed eight. "Shit. I am going to be so late." Doing the best she could, she tucked all of her hair into a ridiculous looking hat known as a 'Brenton cap' and rapidly clothed herself. She internally thanked her past self at the fact that she had packed her bag the night before as she grabbed it an sprinted to the smaller library. 


James had decided to enter the library a few minutes before the time he was meant to in hopes that he was not breaking the too early/late rule he had been strictly told to follow. It was a surprise to him that Arabella hadn't already been in there waiting to chastise him over the pathetic grades he had been achieving in a subject that seemed to be like second nature to the girl. 

A few minutes continued to pass and James slowly started to become exasperated at the fact that the girl who had been so cruel about being on time and the importance of punctuality actually ended up being late. He peeled open the textbook and began working through the material himself as he couldn't be bothered to go back to bed. 

The time read eight forty five before a large crash had sounded throughout the library due to the sheer force the doors had been opened with. James looked up and took in the girl's appearance. Her usual pristine uniform had lost its elegant edge as her shirt was half untucked and one of her shoe laces had either come undone or had not even been laced up to begin with. 

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