𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚜

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"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"

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"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"

-Friedrich Nietzsche

"IT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO sense. If we are moving all the time then how in Godric's name are we meant to use the stars and planets to make life changing decision about our lives?" James whined in an exasperated tone.

"Considering that I have not been forced to tutor you for Divination I have no clue as to why you are asking me this? Now pull yourself together and get back to the lunar phases." She pulled the sheet out from under his hand and began to look over what he had written.

"It is blank. How is it blank? We have sat here for forty five minutes going over this James." He was obviously not getting over his strop anytime soon so Arabella stacked her books up, grabbed her bag and started to walk out of the room.

"Well come on then, we will get these phases into your head whether you enjoy it or not." James huffed and put his robe on and grabbed his satchel by the shoulder strap. Begrudgingly, he followed the fast girl until he ended up in an area he was familiar with. The Quidditch Pitch.

"What are we doing here?" Arabella continued to ignore him as she made her way to the boys changing room. She muttered an unlocking charm and pushed open the door. "Get changed into your quidditch robes, grab your broom and meet me on the pitch in ten minutes." James decided against arguing and just did what she said for the first time that day.

Staying true to the guidelines he was set, James was out of the changing room in eight minutes and had reached the pitch before the ten minute mark. What he was not expecting though, was Arabella standing next to the keeper of the Ravenclaw team. They seemed rather friendly in conversation and James wondered what the connection was.

"Over here. Come on." Arabella yelled to him. Once he had made his way over she started to speak once more. "Right so I have decided to abandon the traditional tutoring methods of just reading because if I have to sit for one more minute with you being difficult I might accidentally throw a chair at you."

"This is Nadrei and he has agreed to help me with this little task. I was going to ask Sirius to help but he likes you too much for this to have worked so I decided against it." James stuck his hand out for Nadrei to shake but the other party just started down at it and crossed his arms and shifted his eyes back over to Arabella.

"Right, anyway, I have enchanted all three hoops to show the lunar phases in order from left to right and after the first three are completed the next lot will come on until we have gone through them all." She paused to take a breath. "Your job is to get the quaffle through the hoops in order from left to right and Nadrei will obviously protect the hoops. If you do not manage to get it through the first hoop the first time you will be expected to do it again until it does go through and then you can move on to the second and the third."

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