Back to the days

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" Your here!" I leap out of the couch to hug my smiling friend, Molly,at the door. She looks gorgeous. Her hair a tad longer than when I last saw her. She wears tight jeans with a bright blue blouse and a black leather jacket. Her hair curled in nice bundles. I look like crap next to her but I'm to caught in the moment to think about that. I hug my friend as tight as I can. I missed her so much and now that she is here I don't want to let go of her even if it means suffocating her with my hug.

" I missed you so much but can I breath for a moment" Molly says letting out a giggle. I laugh as I let go of her." Girl I can't wait to spend the whole day with you"

"I know me too but first let me go get decently dressed" I tell her as I run up the stairs. I just don't want to miss a single minute of our day together.

When i finally get to my room I grab some dark jeans with a vanilla colored blouse that has black polka dots. I grab my peach flats and grab my hair in the neatest five second ponytail i manage to make. I glance at myself in the mirror quickly. I'm actually proud that i dressed alright with quite little time. I run down the stairs and my mom at the kitchen grabs my attention. No she never gets tired. I truly admire her.I walk over to her and manage to kiss my mom goodbye. She is busy washing the dishes and grins at me. "Have fun sweety"

"I sure will mom" i respond as i walk out the door with Molly.

We get into her red Altima. Inside the car ,its smells like strawberry's and it is awfully clean. I feel proud of my friend for having such a clean car. I wonder what she would think if she saw my messy jeep. I'm suddenly shaking at the thought.

"Wow look at you, i see you looking so glamorous" Molly says as she starts heading out of our street.

"I do what i can" i say trying to be funny.

Molly laughs beside me with such a jolly laugh.

"You still make me laugh" Molly says smiling at me. "You know i missed having fun with you"

"Molly i missed you too"

I really did miss her. So many years without her and now we are young women living our lives. Its hard to think that Molly is right next to me after so many years. I just want to hide her in a box and keep her forever from now on. But hey i need to keep in mind that would be impossible.

"So are you excited about the trip?"Molly asks curiously while she flashes her eyes back on the road.

"I guess i am"

"You know who's going to be there?" Molly asks with a smile knowing that i have no idea of who she is talking about. She finally breaks my wondering. "Ronald "

Ronald? I haven't seen him in forever. My head starts feeling light at his memory. Suddenly a flashback starts again in my head :

There we are (Molly, Ronald, and I) we are 7 years old playing hide and go seek. I'm hiding in back of a tree. Molly is under a bush and Ronald stands in the middle covering his eyes counting to 20. "....19, 20 ready or not here i come" Ronald says as he runs around looking for us. He finds Molly in the bush and she falls to the ground laughing. Her pigtails lay there on the floor. Her eyes closed as she takes in the fresh summer air.Next Ronald finds me in back of a tree where i run away from him laughing. He runs to catch me. His light brown hair moving as the wind goes through. His brown eyes glittering and his dimples bring life into his smile. He catches me and pulls me to the ground. I laugh. My eyes burning with joy and my straight hair on the grass. He tickles me and makes me the happiest girl alive.

I smile at the flashback. He knew me so well. He was like my brother. Molly and I would go every summer to visit and every summer was full of fun times with him. We longed of going back every summer. Since i got sick mom stopped taking us and i haven't seen him since. I miss him so much. He made me so happy.

"Don't daydream too much lovebird" Molly interrupts my thoughts.

"I have no idea what your talking about" I start shaking my head.

We get to a stop at a store named " The New Look". I don't get out much and my mom usually buys my clothes for me. It feels new to actually enter this store and buy my clothes. But hey maybe it will be fun.

Molly looks at me and notices my hesitation in entering the store. "Ready?"

" Yes " I say taking in a deep breath.

We walk in and it is amazing. There is colors everywhere. Clothes and accessories scattered in neat aisles throughout the store. People walk smiling throughout the store. It all looks so colorful and I am suddenly filled with excitement. Molly pulls me to the dress section. There are so many dresses and they are all so different and both so beautiful in their own ways. A red dress catches my attention. It is tight and thin from the top and the bottom is slightly thicker with a tone of volume. It has see through sleeves and a brown leather belt in the middle holding the dress neatly.

"Sarah it is beautiful" Molly walks beside me grabbing the dress in amusement.

" You think so"

"Of course try it on"

Molly and I walk to a room where Molly tells me to try the dress. She closes the door and waits on me outside. The stall is small but with allot of mirrors and hangers. I take my clothes off and slip the dress on. I glance at myself in one of the mirrors. I actually look great. It is beautiful indeed. Molly's voice breaks my thoughts:

"Your killing me girl just let me see the dress ,come out already" She yells from outside the stall.

I open the door unsure of what she would think. It's been a while since I wore a dress . She looks at me and her jaw goes down. She contains herself with a big smile. "You look awesome" she explains. I smile suddenly I am fearless. I love this new feeling and who knows maybe life with cancer isn't so bad.

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