The Chase

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"Sarah can I come in" mom's voice echos in my head as she opens the door.

"Yes " i say whispering and letting out a small cough. I still feel sick but i manage to control my cough.

"Your still sick ?" Mom asks sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I guess its fair to i will always be sick mom" i answer in a smart way. "I've been sick and I'm going to stay sick for the rest of my life".I'm trying to make it clear that im still mad for what happened yesterday.

And like i guessed it, she brings it up.

"Sweety I'm sorry for yesterday, you know ill give anything for you to be normal. (She pauses and tears roll down her eyes.)I don't know if maybe im not a good mom sometimes but forgive me. I just worry so much about you.I don't want nothing to happen to you sweety."

She is still crying and she places her hand on my shoulder.

I hug my mom. I just can't manage to see my mom cry not after the many times I've already seen her cry for me. She has gone through my cancer as much as i have.

"Its okay mom " i say looking at her with shame for being the cause of her tears.

"Now ill better be getting to work, ill see you later princess " mom tells me giving me a sweet smile as she wipes her tears and hugs me tighter..

My mom and I get along pretty well and we usually forgive ourselves quickly and easily so its kind of easy to forgive each other and solve our problems.

I watch her car pull out of the garage through my window and sit on the couch turning on the t.v. What a lame life i lead. Watching t.v. is actually really basic. I guess right now i am just enjoying myself. I flip through the channels trying to find something to watch. There is nothing to watch other than boxing, the news, spongebob,and national geographic. I settle on spongebob. This show never gets old. By the way who can judge me for watching spongebob if he is a cartoon celebrity and my favorite stupid cartoon by the way.

A noise interrupts my thoughts. It sounds like it comes from the kitchen. Something hard must have hit the kitchen window, so i get up and go check on it.There is nothing there. Maybe spongebob is affecting my brain or something. I walk back to the couch but the noise hits the window again. I open the door this time ,but there is nobody there. At least I think there is nobody there but I soon find out i'm wrong.

"Boo!!!" A voice yells from in back of me. I turn around finding Molly in front of me. "Hey scary cat"

I giggle as she gives me a hug. "You scared the hell out of me."

"Ha ha So want to go somewhere?" She asks avoiding the panic attack she almost caused me.

"Sure i guess" 

She pulls me into her altima without telling where we are going. I am actually worried its a fancy or big place. I really only managed to put some jeans and a dark blue t shirt but i guess Molly doesn't mind. You never can be for sure when you are with Molly.


"We are here" Molly yells  as we get of the car.

We find ourselves in a skateboard rink. It is filled with kids and teens practicing there moves. Its very big and looks awesome. I used to love skateboarding but ever since i got cancer, i got weak and couldn't manage to skateboard anymore.

"I know skateboarding is your thing so go on and have fun"She says handing me a hella cool red skateboard with my name prinited on the wheels. It is awesome.

"Molly this is beautiful why thanks but why?"i ask knowing that my smile forbids me from keeping my mouth closed.

"Glad you like it and well i just wanted to give you something for the time we lost when i moved, you know I should've been by your side and this is the least i can do"

I hug her so tight i can barely breath. I don't care if we suffocate i just know that she is my true friend and that i love her soooo much. "Molly i just can't imagine a better friend than you, i am really lucky to have you around "

"Thanks you know its the same for you "She smiles at me and sits in a bench going through her phone as i manage to skate freely with some flips. Molly is more of a girly girl and well she doesn't skateboard. Although she used to come with me just for fun when we were little. By the way we are totally opposites. Her being the girly girl and i being the freaky punk. She hates sports and prefers shopping but i prefer skateboarding and going to concerts. We are totally different but hey we are friends so i guess it's fair to say we get along just fine. Well at least most of the time.

I get my skateboard and head to the rink. I start skating up and down a few times and manage a double flip on my skateboard in the air. I do a body flip as i slide back down and stop with another flip.

"Pretty clean for a girl"

I turn around to see who had just commented on my skateboarding moves. I find myself looking at the same boy from the park last time I went.  Joseph was his name at least I think. Yehhh!!! 

" Thanks " I say trying to manage myself from smiling creepily at him. I really can't help it just his name gets me turned on. OMG!! I am becoming too cheesy. Spongebob is affecting me.

"I never knew you skated,you are way too cool for a girl" Joseph states glaring at me. 

I know I am blushing hard right now but I manage to reply." Well If you say so"

"You turned pink" He starts giggling. "Oh my god your face "

"Look I don't need you laughing at me and its not my fault if I turn red as hell, I can't help it, I do it for any reason" I say knowing I'm actually getting dangerously aggressive. I just get so mad when people laugh at me. It irritates me. 

"No I was just playing, I actually like the red color in your cheeks, you look good, honestly" Joseph says nervously looking at the ground. I mean he is turning a little pink but that last comment made me turn into a tomato. 

"Who is this Sarah?" I turn around to find Molly in back of me staring at Joseph up and down. 

"This is Joseph" I say stuttering at the conscious that my cheeks are burning red but relief too find Molly has saved me.

"Nice to meet you"Joseph shakes Molly's hand as they exchange glances. 

"Well I need to go but Sarah see you Wednesday " Joseph states turning around as he touches my shoulder. He waves and disappears.

"Who exactly is this?" Molly asks smirking as suspecting I am hiding something from her. 

"I don't know but he is pretty cool" I say playing around with her.

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