Prologue: The Birth of the King(Rewrite)

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3rd person's POV

Location; Monster Island

Monster Island (怪獣島,   Kaijū-jima) is an island that the Alpha/Guardian Titan, along with other monsters, are said to inhabit including Dinosaurs, Rathaloses, Rathians and many more along with the these humans that call themselves hunters that kil...

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Monster Island (怪獣島, Kaijū-jima) is an island that the Alpha/Guardian Titan, along with other monsters, are said to inhabit including Dinosaurs, Rathaloses, Rathians and many more along with the these humans that call themselves hunters that kill monsters and make armours and weapons from them in order for them to survive but they know very well not to anger the Alpha Titan himself otherwise it's the end for them.

Monster Island, an island full of mystery. Full of unknown creatures. Dangerous creatures. A gigantic Island never explore by humans. What mysteries may lie in are unknown. But yet the entire Islands is rule by one creature and that's the Alpha himself.

Right now, we see the Alpha Titan, Azure himself walking in a forest.

Azure: *Moving Trees out of the way while walking* (Not much to do around here

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Azure: *Moving Trees out of the way while walking* (Not much to do around here.)

Somewhere, in a cave......A giant woman with green dark like hair with a large tail and dorsal plates placed an egg on the ground in a cave.

A giant woman with green dark like hair with a large tail and dorsal plates placed an egg on the ground in a cave

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???; I'm sorry for doing this....I promise I'll be back for you. Just wait for me, my sweet little Angel.....

The woman made a portal back to her home before glancing at the egg with a small smile and a tear dropped before she entered it as the egg glowed bright blue.

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