A New Cookie

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The sun was shining bright while it being partially cloudy. The snow glistened with sunlight and the trees and plants dances in the morning winter air. Everyone in the Cookie Kingdom began waking up. Within the castle,  the founders of this kingdom were up getting everything ready. All of them preparing the kingdom of a new arrival. Well, almost all of them.

"GINGERBRAVE!" A voice came from one of the halls of the castle. A cookie still sound asleep in their room of the castle. A cookie of gingerbread dough was murmuring in his sleep as he tossed and turned. Before anything else could happen, the door to the gingerbread cookie's room bursted open. "GINGERBRAVE!" The same cookie yelling from the halls bursted in. With the yelling and burst of the door the gingerbread cookie sprung awake. "Wha- what's going on?!" The cookie who was asleep, now awake, exclaimed. The cookie who was yelling looked annoyed. "Have you forgotten what we were doing today, again, Gingerbrave?" The annoyed cookie spoke again. The gingerbread, who goes by Gingerbrave, rubbed his eyes looking slowly confused at what the cookie said. "Wizard Cookie, what are you talking about?" Gingerbrave asked before yawning. The cookie, who goes by Wizard Cookie, facepalmed and seemed very annoyed at Gingerbrave. "Gingerbrave, we are giving the new cookie, that is coming to our kingdom today, a tour around the kingdom, like we always do with every cookie who is new to the kingdom," Wizard Cookie stated very slowly. "AND YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN READY 20 MINUTES AGO!" Wizard Cookie yelled. His yelling startled Gingerbrave as he immediately got out of bed. Wizard Cookie left Gingerbrave's room as Gingerbrave started getting ready.


A hushed voice of a language Gingerbrave didn't understand was heard. Gingerbrave looked around to see where the voice came from. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary so he shrugged it off. He grabbed a letter, got out of his room, and went down the stairs quickly yet carefully, not wanting to trip and fall. "Sorry, sorry!" Gingerbrave apologized as he saw Wizard Cookie and three other cookies waiting for him. "Why the fuck did you take so long?" One of the cookies that had red hair questioned. "Chili Pepper Cookie! That's no way to speak, especially in front of a king." The youngest cookie complained. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Custard Cookie." The red haired cookie, who goes by Chili Pepper Cookie, replied to the young cookie. "It's Custard Cookie III." the young cookie stated. Gingerbrave responded to the question, "I might've over- slept?" He then gave a nervous chuckle. "Mhm. Well we better go then." Everyone else agreed and they left the castle to head to the kingdom gates.
On their way to the kingdom gates, the five cookies walked. "What time w- were they coming, Gingerbrave?" The cookie with a pink hoodie asked nervously. Gingerbrave began thinking, "Uh, let me check." Gingerbrave check the letter that he took and read it. "Uh, it says exactly at 9 o'clock in the morning." He looked up at the four cookies. The cookie look at the tick tock clock tower in the distance which read 8:55. "It's a- almost 9 though." The cookie in the pink hoodie spoke. "Strawberry Cookie is right." Wizard Cookie looked at Gingerbrave. "Who even is this new cookie anyway?" Waizard Cookie asked. Gingerbrave looked at Wizard then at the letter. "Uh." Gingerbrave looked at the leather up and down confused for about a minute. "They didn't say what their name was." "Haven't you thought this could be a prank?" "Uh." Silence fell while cookies began opening shops. Chili Pepper Cookie then broke the silence, "So we could be doing this shit for nothing?" "Uh- w- well If it is, at least we finished everything we needed t- to do today yesterday, right?" Strawberry Cookie asked. Gingerbrave then stopped walking with his expression showing that he realized something. The four other cookies stopped walking to look at Gingerbrave. "Gingerbrave, did you forget to do something, again?" Wizard cookie sounded quite annoyed. "Uh, well." He chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "Let me guess, you forgot to clean the attic because you kept procrastinating since last month?" Wizard Cookie questioned? Gingerbrave only chuckled nervously in response. Gingerbrave shoved the letter to Wizard Cookie and immediately ran towards the castle. "I'll see you guys later to meet the new cookie!" He yelled and continued running. "Oh Gingerbrave..."
At the kingdom gate, the four cookies wait. "Where is this cookie?" Custard Cookie III asked. "It's 8:58 a- already." Strawberry Cookie stated. They waited for a couple of minutes. "H- how do we know if we should t- trust who wrote this letter?" The second Strawberry Cookie said this the tick tock clock tower rung at 9 o'clock. "Exactly, why should you trust a cookie if they only wrote a letter, or even just met?" A mysterious cookie spoke as they were suddenly behind Strawberry Cookie. Strawberry Cookie squeaked and immediately turned around.

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