Berrian Family's Good Old Friend

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HollyBerry Cookie's POV:

I was exploring the jungles right outside the kingdom's walls. I didn't really have anything else to do. I had left my shield in the castle so Jungle Berry Cookie won't suspect that I left. The only way they would find out I did leave is if Wild Berry Cookie went looking for me. Thinking about this, he might start looking for me soon. The sun was starting to set so I had begun my way back to the castle.

As I was walking I realized there was huge prints on the ground. A dragon's foot print. I looked at the direction they were heading. They were heading off the path to where I am headed. "Hmm... I have time." I said to myself and followed the prints on the ground. I continued walking to then here some rustling ahead. I peeked through some bushes to see a dragon. A familiar dragon. It was looking through some bushes as it sat there. "Eating the lassst onesss doesssn't make me the one too look for more..." it mumbled. "Pitaya?" I asked and the dragon got startled. They turned their head to see HollyBerry Cookie. "Huh? What- What are you doing here?" They complained as they recognized me. "I should be asking you that." The dragon rolled their eyes as they turned into a cookie. "None of your businesssssss!" They hissed at me. "Whoa! No need to shout, you old lizard, it was only one question." "Well you ssstill haven't anssswered mine." "I'm just wandering the jungles! Even though there dangerous, it is quite fun to explore them!" I proudly spoke. "Yeah whatever, jussst back off ok!" They shouted while glaring at me. "Well if you want to fight you could have just asked." I said putting a hand on my waist. "I don't want-" they were about to finished speaking to then just stop. The anger in their face disappeared as dread filled it. They froze as their tail slowly went between their legs. "Are you alright? You look like you've just seen a ghost." They shook their head to then speak, "I- I- I have to go-" they flew off quickly. "Huh... weird..." I was rather confused at what happened as I just looked up at where Pitaya flew. I started walking back to the castle again.
-At the Berrian Castle-

I snuck in the castle without being caught by Jungle Berry Cookie or Wild Berry Cookie. I was actually feeling pretty lucky, since usually either one would have caught me by now. I rushed of to my room. Looking out the window as I entered quietly, I realized it got dark. "Huh, lost track of time..." I mumbled as I went to get my phone. Around 8:25. I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I walked over to open it to see it was Wild Berry Cookie. "Yes?" "Sorry, Holly Berry Cookie. Queen Jungle Berry Cookie wanted me to check that you didn't sneak off again." "Oh, well no... I just have been in here." I said trying to keep a straight face. "Alright then, have a good night." He said while walking off. "Good night, Wild Berry..."

I closed the door and sighed. I then chuckled. "I can't believe I managed not to get caught again." I walked off to the closet to get some clothes to change into. After changing I saw a paper on the night table. I walked over to see what it was. A letter. I turned the letter over to see who it was from. "From... hmm?" I saw the names and squinted my eyes to see if I was reading it correctly. 'Inkberry Cookie and Chokeberry Cookie?!' I read. My eyes widen as I gasped and dropped the letter. "It can't be- I thought they were..." I went to pick up the letter, but it was gone. I checked under the bed and saw nothing. I got back up and was rather confused. Did I imagine the letter? I looked back at where I saw the letter to see a photo. I grabbed it to see two young cookies. "Oh my..." I sat on the bed as I stared at the image. It was me... and a cookie I knew... "Huckleberry Cookie..." a wave of nostalgia hit me.

I put the image in a drawer and checked the time. "Time sure does fly nowadays, huh." It was already about to be 9:00 pm. I turned off the lights and went into the covers. I tried going to sleep to then get a memory pop in my head. The meeting. Oh, how that grump can cause a chaotic mess. Sometimes he doesn't listen to others, but like our meeting with the republic, he has a point not to trust those cookies. That old book did seem real. Books. What did that Cappuccino Cookie mean by 'when they find the books, they will finally understand'. What books? I started dozing off and fell asleep.
"You are that HollyBerry Cookie, no?" A whisper was able to be heard.

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