Silent Forest

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Every cookie in the Cookie Kingdom was excited for the up coming spring concert. The snow was melting faster now that the weather got warmer as spring was just around the corner. Some cookies were practicing their instruments for the concert. Now thinking of those who are practicing, let's see what is going on at the moment.

"Guys where's Clover Cookie! We need to practice the last bit with all of us!" A cookie with white hair, pink syrup, and many toppings exclaimed in a worried tone. "Calm down, Parfait Cookie, I bet he is still in the forest to play his music and telling his tales to the animals." A mint haired violinist said, trying to get the worried cookie to calm down. "Look, I'll go get him right now, you and Fig Cookie go practice your parts." "Thank you Mint Choco Cookie. we'll meet you and Clover Cookie then?" "Yep we'll meet you there." The mint haired musician, who goes by Mint Choco Cookie, started to walk to the forest where Clover Cookie usually played his lute.
Mint Choco Cookie's POV:

I was walking through the forest. I was looking for Clover Cookie since we had to practice for the concert. Just as a guess, he might be telling the animals in the forest a song or tale. I walked cautiously because you never now if there is a wild cake wolf or any other dangerous animals. I made to the area where Clover usually is and there he was, sitting on a tree stump next to a pond. He was tuning his lute. He noticed me walking towards him. "Oh hi Mint Choco Cookie." He said, waving at me. "I knew you would be here." I said while waving back. He strummed the strings of the lute as he finished tuning his lute. "You just made it, I was about to tell a tale." "Well, actually I came here to get you. Parfait Cookie was worried about how you were late." "Oh my- I forgot about the practice- sorry." "It's alright, plus we've got time to practice for the spring concert." He looked nervous. I forgot he has stage fright. "Look, you can tell your tale to the animals if you want. Plus it would be nice to here one of your stories." I said, to then sit on the grass. Clover Cookie seemed to be hesitating. "Just... pretend I'm not here." I said with a soft smile. He chuckled, but still a bit hesitant. He thought for a minute and sighed. "I guess this could help..." he muttered. It seemed he gained the confidence to play his lute. He started playing and and telling his tale. I listened closely.

He finished telling his tale and stopped playing his lute. I applauded and complimented him for his great performance. He had a soft smile to only turn into a frown as he looked around. "What's wrong?" I asked. "The animals." Was all he responded with. "The- animals? What about them?" "The animals. They usually come when I start playing my lute, even if a cookie is here or nearby..." he said looking at me in concern. "Something's wrong." He said. As he said this, we looked around. Silence. It was a silent forest. Not even a chirp of a blueberry bird, a caw of a raisin crow or any rustling. The water was still and looked like a mirror. No movement at all. It was quiet... too quiet. Clover Cookie was right, something is wrong. Terribly wrong. Clover Cookie seemed to have notice something in the tree for he he put his lute down, got up, and walked towards it. "Come here buddy, it's alright. I won't hurt you." He said which confused me. The I see an acorn squirrel slowly climbing down to jump on Clover Cookie's arm. He scratched its head. He walked towards me with the squirrel and looked confused. "I don't get it. It seems like all the animals are hiding." The squirrel seemed a bit scared. Its tale was flinching and was trying to hide in Clover Cookie's arm. "What's wrong, little guy?" The acorn squirrel looked at Clover Cookie than me. He then stared at the still lake. Clover Cookie and I looked at each other. We walked towards the lake. We looked down to only see our reflection from the unmoving water. Nothing else. "Uh, I don't see anything, Clover Cookie." I said as I looked at him with a disappointing expression. "Well something's wrong, but we don't know what it could be..." he muttered. The squirrel than started panicking as he tried kicking Clover Cookie's arms. Clover Cookie immediately let go as the squirrel ran back to the tree.

We both turned to where it ran. We both were confused. A bubbling sound was heard behind us. We turn around to see jaws of a beast about to bite us. Our eyes widened as we saw it just then to be pulled away immediately. We both gasped as he fell to the ground. I was shaking. Clover Cookie was shocked and speechless. We were almost eaten alive. He turn to see who pulled us just in time to see a cookie who was part deer. Fig Cookie?! "Ya two are lucky I came to check on ya in the fors't! Ya could have become crumbs!" We both were still trying to process what happened and didn't respond. All three of us look up to see what tried to eat us. The head to right under its chest was visible. It was a giant cake monster. It looked like a cake wolf. It had fangs like a snake, the top teeth were poking out, horns of a dragon but it looked like wood, spikes going down its back, and a lot of fur puffed out around its neck and chest. A scar on its right pale eye and a broken horn on same side was visible. It had wings but they were closed. It was holding its self by standing with its front paws. Its fir was dripping wet, yet it was not soggy.

We stayed still as it lowered its head down. Its nose was so close to touching us. It started to smell is. Clover Cookie shifted backwards to move away slowly but that didn't end well. The monster began to growl with a hint of hissing. Fig began to whispered, "Don' move..." We stayed still as the creature examined us. It lifted our head and tilted its head in confusion. We slowly got up. "We hav' to leave..." Fig muttered. We all slowly walked backwards away from the beast. "My lute!" Clover Cookie exclaimed as he ran to his lute to pick it up. The cake monster growled again looking at Clover Cookie. Both Fig Cookie and I looked at each other in concern. Clover Cookie went completely frozen in fear. We all were still, even the monster. It reached its head down towards Clover Cookie. It opened its jaw as it got closer. Clover Cookie was hugging his lute as he was shaking. He looked too scared to move. As it was about to bite Clover Cookie, Fig Cookie ran in-front of him facing towards him. She lifted her hind legs and kicked the odd cake monster in the nose. It yelped in pain as it lifted its head. It nursed its nose with its paw.

That kick just made it angry. It's jaw was still slightly open. Fury was in its eye as the pupil turned into slits. It put its paw down, to then rawr at us. A great big loud rawr, loud enough even for the entire Cookie Kingdom could hear. It scared away the birds and other animals hidden in the trees. Clover Cookie tripped on a rock as he stepped backwards in fright as Fig Cookie and I covered our ears. It stopped as it started down at us in anger. Its jaw was slightly opened as a light started to glow in its mouth. The three of us knew what it was and our eyes widen. "Fire?!" I shouted. Just when we started to see flames come out, Fig Cookie yelled, "RUN!" We immediately moved out of the way of the flames and ran back to the kingdom. We past tree after tree. I turned back to see that the mysterious cake monster had stopped breathing fire and just stared at us. It then had retreated back into the water. I turned around to continue running because I didn't want to trip.

We made it back too the kingdom, to where we were questioned about the loud rawr and why we were terribly frightened. Not even fig cookie knew what that creature was. After that, Parfait Cookie tried to calm us down so we could get to practicing for the spring concert. So many questions flooded my mind...
After this incident, it left many cookies to question the loud rawr. They only found Mint Choco Cookie, Fig Cookie, and Clover Cookie coming out of the forest trying to take deep breaths as they were frighten. Cookies who were trying to figure out what happened saw them and immediately tried to help them calm down. They all questions like "What happened?", "Are you guys alright?", or "What was that loud rawr?!" All the cookies concerned.

Who knows where that creature came from. Will we ever find out the origin of this cake? Will the others in the kingdom meet this monster? Will we ever find out?
So I have been really motivated to right chapters so here is another one. I am still delayed on the drawings though. Expect more chapters soon.

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