where the hell am I?

687 15 4

*pov Y/N*

The last thing I remember was stopping this group of criminals the usual guns think of their big shit when really they're nothing but a pain in my ass, and of course i caused a little property damage got the big middle finger again from the community

Y/N: damn I could use a drink

Fly downtown to one of the best bars I know I land on the ground crushing the concrete below me, this caused two girls an a dude nearby to Stare at me in anger

Bich 1: what the fuck!

Bich 2: oh great there's only one reason why he's here to get even more drunk than his dumbasses is already

I give them the double middle finger while walking towards the bar but before I enter somebody's always got to start it

Jackass: funkin asshole!

In that moment I stopped I look behind me then back at the bar

Y/N: don't call me an asshole

The jackass smirked

Jackass: why did I hurt your feelings ASSHOLE

I didn't turn around and start walking towards him until I stop right in front of him I've been down towards his ear and whisper

Y/N: call me an asshole......... One more time

The jackass brought his mouth closer to my ear and whispered

Jackass: Assho-

I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him out of sight causing the two girls to scream in fear while I look at the sky

???: Mr. Superhero?

I turn around and look down to see a little girl she looks around 6 to 7 and she's holding a piece of paper in her hands

Little girl: I was wondering if I could have your autograph Mr. Superhero

The girl distracted me for a second then I remember that the guy I look back up to the skies and start listening while the girl continue to talk

Little Girl: you saved my mommy and daddy from some bad guys and I would have seen him again if you didn't

The little girl then hand me the piece of paper I quickly grab it while continuing to look at the skies, I glance down the paper for a second

Y/N:"what is it? It kind of looks like me?"

Little girl: it's a drawing of you saving my family I wanted to give it to you as a thank you

My body stiffened for a moment in all the time I've been helping people I never once got a thank you

Y/N: uh.....thanks kid

Tell me I begin to hear a high-pitched scream getting closer and closer I look at the sky again and see it the jackass flying towards me before he hits the ground I grabbed him as quick as I can

Jackass:Ah...Ah....Y-You are Fucking INSANE!

He begins to run away towards the two girls who are stunned before to even speak. And now I realize it was a little girl here to see that I whispered myself

Y/N: fuck..

Then turned towards little girl instead of seeing her confused or scared she seems to be jumping up and down smiling

Little girl: Wowy! Did you give that man a roller coaster ride

I have no idea how old a girl can think of him like that from a guy falling from the sky at like Mach 2 but I'll roll with it

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