I don't want to adventure

481 12 9

*pov Y/N*

Well today fuckin sucks megumin is finally old enough to go out on her own and she wants to be an adventure so can someone tell me

Y/N: why the fuck do I have to come along with you?

Megumin:oh it'll be okay it's just the two of us! Becoming the greatest adventures the world will ever know once I dazzle it with my amazing magic!

Y/N:*groan* you mean the only spell you know that explosion bullshit

Megumin smiled confidently and smugly at me

Megumin: yep the same spell that knocked you down

Stop moving in point a finger at her

Y/N:HEY! I wasn't paying attention and I was drunk not to mention I was tired from keeping your ass out of trouble

Megumin: make all the excuses you want I still count that as a win

Y/N: yeah...you do that

So our journey begin......... After I grabbed a a chest and filled it with ice and beer for the road

*Time skip*

*Pov Y/N*

I landed on the ground with cratering boom breaking the ground beneath me a little bit away from the outskirts of town as to not draw suspicion towards me and the person I was carrying along with my chest of booze

Y/N: next time let me fly us there if you're going to get lazy halfway through and waste my fucking time

Megumin:heh heh sorry I thought we can hike it I didn't realize how far away it was

Y/N: whatever let's get this shit over with

I set her down and we make our way into town I look around so many people with weird clothes some have animal ears and tails, there are also knights, and mages

Y/N: damn this place looks like a convention

Megumin gave me a confused look

Megumin: what's a conventeion?

Y/N: eh I don't know how to explain it so I'm not going to tell you


I look around once more not knowing where we're supposed to go

Y/N: hey megumin do you have any idea where we're the fuck we are supposed to go?

Megumin: um...........uh........no

I let out a sigh of annoyance and anger

Y/N: OK! Now what?! you don't know where to go and I sure as hell I ain't asking these weird people!


Eventually after wandering around a little bit we found the guild

Y/N:Thank Christ were finally here

Megumin: heh heh sorry it took so long

I didn't even answer her I just grabbed her hand and brought her inside


Y/N: come on let's get you checked in

Megumin: you mean us checked in right?


I was ready to tell her no but as I faced her to tell her this she used her greatest weapon that she has recently developed to fight me puppy dog eyes


I throw my hands in the air in anger before letting them flop down to my sides

Y/N: but if we're going to do this we're going to have to find a party I'm not going to keep babysitting you

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