New friends

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*pov Y/N*

So after picking out a quest to kill some toads we made our way to our destination

Kazuma: so....

Y/N: yeah?

Kazuma: what level are you?


Kazuma: oh that's nic-

Y/N: that's how many feet in the air you're going to be if you don't mind your business

Kazuma shut his mouth and backed away while megumin hit me in the side with her staff

Megumin: you promised you'd be nice


I walk back a bit right next to kazama causing him to tense

Y/N: I am level 34

Megumin: and I am 15!

We finally arrived to the area where the toads are

Y/N: finally

*Time skip*

We just found a good spot with a decent size toad

Y/N: all right Megumin show them what you got


Megumin begins her little chant

Meggumin:Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson.

Powerful magic began to swirl around her and concentrae at the end of her staff

Kazuma:whoa! Thats-

Y/n: SHH!

I like Hearing her do the chant its....cute I guess..... It really doesn't matter

Megumin:The time of awakening cometh.
Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortions!
Dance, dance, dance!

Now the sky darkened and Twelve Crimson colored magical circles Appear in the sky

Y/n: hear comes my favorite part

I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force: a destructive force without equal!

The Toad stopped confused as to what the fuck was happening

Megumin: Return all creation to cinders, and come from the abyss!
This is the mightiest means of attack known to man, the ultimate attack magic!



I interrupt her As her attack gose off

As The after-effects died down. I look Over to see. Megumin falling so I quickly cach her.

Kazuma: That was amazing!

Meanwhile megumin pouted in my arms

Megumin:Y/N! I supposed to say it! It's my attack!

Y/n: I thought it would be funny

The ground shakes That's two more of those gross ass Toads appear

Y/n: Fuck my life, Why can't just be one and done

Kazuma Who wasn't paying attention to us Saw the toads


Kazuma Turn around and sees megumin in my arms unmoving

Kazuma:um am I interrupting something?

I'm starting to get annoyed how stupid he is, I didn't even notice megumin blushing

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