Fuck off Dulahan!

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(Pov Y/n)

Kazuma is Currently, messing with his adventure card. And it seems like he just bought a skill. Because he placed a cup of water on the table and is taking a few steps back holding his hand out.

Kazuma: Create water!

I watch as a small stream of water Feels up the cup, he then picks it up and drinks it.

Kazuma: ahhh~ Well that's not bad for basic trick

He then looks at his hand

Kazuma: Now that I actually got a skill. I feel more like an adventure.

Then darkness walks in Showing off her armor

Darkness:Kazuma! I had my armor repaired with the bounty. I received from the cabbage harvest!

She then poses a bit

Darkness: Does it not look brilliant?

Kazuma: eh Looks like the junk a Spoiled ass brat of an aristocrat would wear.

Darkness looks upset

Darkness: Oh Honestly Would It hurt you to give a Compliment every now and then?

Then begins to blush.

Darkness: he's so rough, you never show Me any mercy~

And now Kazuma is looking at megumin Who is currently holding on to me while rubbing herself against her staff.........Making me jealous?

Megumin:I love you Manetite staff With your throbbing magical power that rivals y/n's-

She then stops herself


Megumin: YOUR STRENGTH!..um it rivals your strength!

Oh..... I thought she meant something else. She is sweating a lot though it might just be the weather.

Y/n:oh my bad

Megumin: phew...

I Then look Over and see aqua Grabbing luna by her... Think boob Strap?

Aqua: What's the big idea i Caught a lot of cabbages!

Luna: w-well Actually I checked your load but i'm afraid Most of what you caught is actually lettuce.

Aqua looks pissed

Aqua: So why is there lettuce mixed in with all my cabbages!!

Darkness: True, Lettuce does have a Lower Demption value

Kazuma: huh You learn something new every day huh?

Aqua Then turns around angely before smiling and approaching Kazuma

Aqua: oh Kazuma he he...how mutch did You get from the last quest?

Kazuma: oh about a million


Everyone including me looked at Kazuma shocked



All of us Simultaneously said one one million out of shock

aqua then Approached Kazuma with her best.....seductive look?

Aqua: um....Kazuma I've been meaning to tell you for a while but I think you're.......cool! Yeah! That's the word cool!

She said with Her best attempt at a cute smile.

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