Chapter ~ 1

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A man lying on the floor of a pitch-black room, sobbing because of the crushing pain in every part of his body, cautious enough not to raise his voice, and call the devil. One who is going to decide his fate, eventually...

Suddenly, the door of the room opened, and some light rays came in, along with his worst nightmare.

Eric was here (with all his glory).... Eric like his name was forever ruler... But he loved to be called as....devil.

Coming in with his usual heavy steps, followed by his guards and trusted person, stood right in front of the man.

"Devil" is all that came from the man(lying on the floor). A chuckle came from the standing man.

"Exactly" he said in a stern voice.

"Any last wish?"... This was his habit, he always asked last wish and pretty much got the same answer from the people who know him and his ways of killing, that he was expecting this time too...

" mercy. Don't ...k....kill me......yourself". Came a weak voice.

"Mercy?? A thing I don't have in me... " he chuckled again... Not getting killed by Eric was something he asked cleverly, as he had always delivered the death in the worst possible ways.

" Not killing you myself.It's something I don't want." he said with a voice full of disapproval but anyway he'd to grant his last wish. This was the thing he did to every victim, grant him the last wish(of course he'd lost count of the enemy ,he'd killed)...

Eric bent to his level, looked in his eyes, and the man felt someone had finished his life just by looking straight into the eyes. After a few seconds, Eric got up, moved towards the door.

"Kill him, Enzo " Came his deep voice. Enzo, the only man he trusted. He didn't stop there and went out of the door.


She was sitting on her bed thinking about her brother, who hadn't been back for quite some time.

She can't stay much away from him...

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door and came his voice...


As the voice came to her ears, she jumped with excitement. He was back.She ran towards the door and hugged the person standing there. He hugged her back.

"B! You're back." she said, in a voice full of love.

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