Chapter ~ 3

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She was looking at her pendant and was beaming with joy, a gift from her brother was everything for her.

Despite all the freedom she has, she was never allowed to go anywhere outside the Mansion. Her whole life, anything she wanted was provided, but within the boundaries of the Mansion. She never was keen to explore the World or never complained  because she knew her brother was doing it for her safety. She was the person he loved more than himself.

She was laying in the bed when her maid came in who her brother hired specially for Elena because the maid's entire family was working for them for years now and was leaving in the servant quarter at the backside of the mansion. Furthermore, she was allowed to come in her room without Asher's permission because  Asher knew she wasn't a threat to Elena. Otherwise, nobody ever dared to enter her room without her or Asher's permission.

Asher had many enemies, and he never wanted them to get to his Angel in any way. Elena was everything but strong. She can't protect herself anyway.

“Why you didn't come , yesterday, Abby” Elena asked.

“Ma'am…. Sorry…Elena my mother wasn't feeling well.”“Oh! How she's now? ”

“She's Better now” She said smiling.

Elena never wanted to be called as Ma'am or anything. She just loved everyone, never in her whole life tried to hurt anybody.

She got up from the bed and went to her wardrobe, opening a drawer, where countless pendants were present. She picked a pendant and gave it to the maid, who was still standing, not doing anything.

“For you” Whenever she got something from her brother, who was her everything, she always gave something to the maid.

The maid took the pendant, and looked towards Elena with eyes full of gratitude and love. Elena smiled. The maid couldn't say no to anything because Elena never liked it. Then reminding something, Elena got out of the room and went downstairs. Maid started doing her chores.


Elena knew her brother was in the waiting room, she went towards it thinking whoever came to meet him would be gone by now. She came towards the room, then thought about going back when she noticed someone was present with her brother in the room, but when she heard her brother's voice she stopped. But the sentence drained her whole blood,

“I'm ready to marry his sister, but Elena is not going to marry him, how you even dared to think about the truce this way? ”He roared, a voice full of disgust and hatred. Elena stood there frozen.

“This truce is not possible in this way, you can't marry his sister and also not allowing him to marry yours,  ”came a voice and then after a pause,

“You both have to agree; otherwise you know the consequences” this time he said with a hint of warning.

“I can't allow this, my sister is too innocent for marrying a man like him”

“But she is your sister, and adding further, your father had killed their father, and believe me this step is for you and your sister's safety” Tears started gathering in her eyes.

“I don't care about my safety” he roared, again. She put a hand at her mouth to not let her sobbing get to her brother's ear.

“But you do about your sister's, and you can easily give your life and take anybody's life for her. ” Elena also knew it, but hearing from someone else she was her brother's weakness, broke her heart.

“Believe me I'm on your side, but we have to do something for this bloody hatred between you two families; otherwise it is making our whole mafia group weak. And when we started this group thing, we'd never expected this kind of hatred within this group.”

“And believe me eventually you would be forced to do this truce because you two families are in the same group but standing against each other, which is not possible now, taking into consideration how much lose you've incurred on him, and he'd incurred on you, in other words incurred on whole mafia group”

“I….don't….care…. about the fu*king pain I'd incurred on him”

“And one more thing, if you don't agree to this truce, you'd be excluded from the group, and  your enemy is going to be the part of the group because he agreed to truce, don't you think it would be easy for him to get his revenge while whole on his side”

“I know, I know, you are a powerful man in fact very powerful, but whole group vs one man. I think results are quite clear. ”

This was the thing, Asher was avoiding for a long time.

“And if you agreed, your sister's safety is quite confirmed, because the biggest danger lurking at your family would be gone forever.”Elena was still standing outside, hearing the discussion.

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