When the sun and moon meet .W.T.M

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Harry Potter and all there friends us Hermione's time turner so that they could go back to 1976 in hopes of watching their lives they'll be able to change before the ones die *my oc*

Character: Eclipse pandora black

Birthday date : July,29,1980

Parent:Regulus black

Love interest: Harry Potter

Skills: windless magic,fighting, astrology, transfigurations, potions

Nationality: French 40% Britain 60%

Family:Dad Regulus black (dead) uncle Sirius black ( alive) aunt Narcissa malfoy néé black (alive) aunt Andromeda Tonks néé black(alive) Bellatrix Lestrange néé black(alive) cousin Draco malfoy (alive) tonks older cousin(alive)

Personality: brave, intelligent, strong, cunning,fearless,flirtatious,silly,protective, laid-back,kind,loyal,confident,compassionate,tomboyish,selfless,vengeful,sarcastic

Language: French,Latin,Spanish

Fatal flaw:none (a/n I don't want her to have any)

Friends:Harmione Grainger, Theo nott,Ron Weasley,Fred&George Weasley,Harry Potter,pansy Parkinson,Blaise,Draco Malfoy (a/n I want them to have a good relationship),Luna lovegood, Cedric Diggory,Astoria Greengrass

Nickname: Darling(Theo) Dora (the twins,Cedric),clips(mione,ron) love (Harry)Paws (Draco) little witch (Blaise) lovely (pansy) E(Astoria)
Ma plus Petite Étoile (Regulus )

Pet/familiar: A black cat with amber eye named midnight

Patronus Charm/Animagus form: a black wolf with with amber eyes (Draco, and professor McGonagle are the only ones who know she's animagus hence his nickname for)

Animagus mark: she can glow her wolf eyes and grow her claws

Hogwarts house: Gryffindor but was very close to Slytherin

Ships: pansy+Blaise Luna+Theo Ron+mione harry+oc Draco+Astoria Ginny+dean  James+lily
WolfStar Tonks+Charlie

The movie will start at TPOA and go on for

Quotes from eclipses

Who the hell are you

Yeah I don't do teen drama

You want someone dead go ahead kill me I rather die anyway then end up as one of your sire little bitches

I have a better idea

Those girl you will cut they have nails~ Draco I have claws~ eclipses

Hey there Bambi

My pleasure

You guys done this macho stuff is cute and all but don't make me come over there and kick both your asses

I want to be great or nothing

I love you even if I don't want to

I solemnly swear I am up to no good

We're playing my game now checkmate Dumbledore

There will Dumbledore bashing Molly, Weasley bashing Sanpe bashing

There will Dumbledore bashing Molly, Weasley bashing Sanpe bashing

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