All for us W.T.S

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What if Draco Malfoy had twin but didn't know what Narcissa only wanted a boy and gave the girl away what is went to a family to the hale family and where she became peters adopted daughter but she is special She possess Photokinesis abilities she was always happy until the fire happened her dad was gone her aunt and mother figure was gone her  cousin gone and dead it was just Laura Derek and her what will happen when Laura calls her siblings tell her that she's going to and doesn't come all and her birth family watching her life

Original character:Lucia Carina hale/Malfoy

Love interest: Apollo Martin

Nicknames:Luci(family)Cia (friends) Care (Apollo) my light (Apollo)


Personality:bubbly,loyal,intelligent,strong,mature,independent, loving,supportive, put up a tough exterior,outgoing,nice,understanding,friendly.

Parents: Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy plus Peter hale

Family:Thalía hale (mother figure), Derek hale(cousin), Laura Hale (cousin), Cora Hale (cousin), Malia Tate hale(sister), Andromeda Tonks(aunt), Ted Tonks(uncle), Nymphadora Tonks(cousin), Sirius Black(uncle), Draco Malfoy(older twin brother)

Friends:Lydia Martin(good friend) Alison Argent (good friend) Kira Yakima (good friend) Scott McCall (best friend) Stiles stilinski (best friend)

Skills:Photokinsesis,fighting,magic,tracking,agility, strength,stamina,stealth,pick pocketing.

Fatal Flaw: her love for Peter and Derek

Quotes from Lucia

What the hell

I still don't understand why I have to go to school if we're not going to here long

What hell are the argents doing in town

I basically am a walking lightbulb

*flips off Allison*

I love your dress

I always loved stargazing I've always felt a connection to for some reason

I known that I'm adopted for a while I just never a thought that I would have a twin brother

Get a room but preferably not my room thanks

*Whistles* Damn he fine 

Apollo I love but please stop moving

Why does he look like that

I will never wear anything other than heels get over it

I will never wear anything other than heels get over it

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