Aces against All W.T.S

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Some how the people of the ark found away to watch their future and see what will happen if they go to earth and what they'll face and who they might lose

When this watching this it year before it supposed to happen so Gemini is 16

Original character: Gemini wilder

Parents:hydra wilder(floated) and pearl wilder(floated)

Age: 17 18 on Valentine's Day

Love interest: Bellamy Blake

Skills: sleight-of-hand,picked pocketing,lock picking, fighting, vocal mimicking,card tricks,guns,sweet talking,see things for how they really are, quick movements to distract you from seeing for what they really are,hacking ,acting,great aim,blending in, deceiving.

Personality:nice, mischievous, honest, blunt, funny, intelligent,compassionate,understanding, caring,sincere,supportive,determined, dangerous when someone hurts their loved ones,vengeful,laid back.


Fatal flaw:her love for her loved ones

Friends:Nathan miller (older brother figure) Finn Collins(best friend)Raven Reyes(close friend) Jasper Jordan(little brother figure) Monty green (close friend) John Murphy(good friend)

Nicknames:wild card (Nathan,Finn) Gem(everyone) mini (jasper) the tricker (Kane) sunshine ( Bellamy)

Crimes:Assaulting a guard(caught) stealing medical supplies (uncaught) con artist (uncaught)pick pocketing(uncaught) hacking in that ark records(uncaught)

Hobby's:putting on magic show for the teens and kids of ark,playing cards,drawing,writing,taking pictures of her friends, hanging out her boys.

Ships: Octavia+Lincoln Finn+Clark Bellamy+Gemini Raven+Murphy Abby+Kane

Quote from Gemini

The more you think you see the easier it'll be to foul you

What the fuck just happened

The more you look the less you see

Unlike the ladies in society I was never leaned to embroider, I never made wax roses.hemmed scarves or shell necklaces.they taught me to watch and listen.they taught me how to fight

Nothing ever locked

Perhaps it a world that needs changing

I'm Gemini Wilder but Kane liked to call me the trickster

Hello handsome's

Wo wo wo hold on hey,yep

I don't negotiate when it's comes to family

Weren't you listening nothing ever locked

What I'm not Just pretty I'm smart to

Jasper please put the stick down before you hurt yourself

I'm reading Bellamy Clark or Octavia what do you want

Who are you no seriously who are you because you're not the man I fell in love with it like you just a shell wearing his face

The next person to interrupt my reading is going to get  a punch in the face

Deny deny deny

You want to a magic trick

You want to a magic trick

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