After life W.T.M

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When the son of Poseidon falls for a daughter of Aphrodite After everything is finally over the fate's bringing all the the demigods back to Olympus in the early 2000's to watch their lives all over again in hopes it will stop all the bloodshed death and destruction from happening in the future

Original Character:Maya Anderson-Castellan

Love interest:Percy Jackson


Nicknames:May (Annabeth) Cupcake (Luke)
Blue (Thalia)

outgoing,blunt,knowledgeable,supportive, caring smart, feisty,loyal,classy,confident,independent,

Godly parent:Aphrodite

Family: May Castellan (stepmother)
Jared Anderson (father) Luke Castellan (stepbrother) Aphrodite Cabin (half siblings)

Friends:Annabeth Chase (best friend) Grover underwood (close friend) The stroll siblings (good friends) Clarisse La rue (good friend) Chris Rodriguez (good friend) Charles Beckendorf (good friend)

Skills:Charm speak,enhanced beauty,fighting,sword fighting,bow&arrow,enhancing others beauty,permanent makeup,amokinesis, singing, ballet.

Languages: French

Fatal Flaw: her love for Luke is her blind spot

Little bit about her:the reason her last in hyphenated is because she changed it when where on they were on the run because she felt that he is her real brother no matter what both there parents where affected by the curse of Daphni which is Luke Kinda rised her,her power first started to show when she saw Luke crush starting to form on Thalia with out him telling her, when they met Annabeth a connection is instantly formed between I like to think that they'll be like a sibling type of thing about this more strategic in tomboyish Maya will be girly and make up and flirting and people, smart so they balance each other out and it doesn't help that people thought they were twins when they first arrived. Maya didn't like Thalia specifically how do she treated Luke she would personally to do things that he was very hesitant about how he want to do things safely Thalía pushed him to be a bit out of their comfort zone Maya never say anything because again she new Luke had a crush on Thalia.

Qoutes from Maya

I'm Maya Castellan nice meet you Percy Jackson

He's cute but you'll have to get Luke to train him

I won't be caught dead wearing that

You better

I would tell Luke or Annabeth this but I didn't really like Thalia she would use Luke's feelings to her advantage and then stopped her and I didn't like that

Oh, I'm the daughter of Aphrodite

Biker boys are hot, but skaters are hotter

What are you don't go the danger

Because she loves him  I love you!

I really wish luke was good because I miss my brother and right now would be a really good time for a hug

Wow I have no idea what you're talking about

Wow I have no idea what you're talking about

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