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                                                                    Jisung POV

Because we stood in the first row, we could see Lee Minho perfectly. I felt so close to him. My blood rushed through my veins and I felt adrenaline. I was so excited.

Once he was done with singing, he went through the crowd and reached out his hand. Our hands touched and my cheeks got red, I probably looked like a tomato now. A comfortable warmth took place in my fingers and I smiled automatically. 


After the concert Jeongin, Felix and I went to the fansign. As we arrived at the place, the fansign will be, Jeongin and Felix stared in another direction. I followed their eyes and I saw 2 boys standing on the other side of the hall. 

They looked around the same age as us and wore normal clothes. One of them were a little smaller than the other. Both were dressed in black. I caught them staring in our direction, looking at Felix and Jeongin. 

While they made a staring contest, it was my turn and I walked up to Minho. I felt my legs shaking and as I stood before him, my brain stopped working. He looked me directly in the eyes and I thought I'd die. 

"Hey beautiful, what's your name?", he asked me and I took a deep breath. My cheeks got read when I noticed what name he called me. Don't fuck it up, Jisung, don't fuck it up!

"My name is Han Jisung", I answered his question, still feeling a little shaky. Minho suddenly took his hand in mine and ran his thumb over the back of my hand. My eyes widened and I felt like my heart was going to explode. "That's a very beautiful name, Sungie", he said and smiled at me. I got very shy and looked to the ground, mumling a "thank you". Sungie.

"I think your music is very good", I said after a few seconds, noticing the other fans behind me. I wanted to enjoy the time with Minho because after this fansign, I'll probably never have a chance again to talk to him in person. 

He smiled at me and thanked me. "I bet your voice sounds great if you'd rap. Do you do something with music?", he asked me, while writing something on a CD. I nodded. "Yes, sometimes I produce music or write songtexts. But I'm not a professional musician", I answered his question and he nodded with a little smile on his face. 

Unfortunately, the time was up and the fans behind me also wanted to talk to Minho. "I should go now", I said and was about to leave but Minho gave me something. "Take this", he said and handed me the CD with his autograph on it. He winked at me and I waved him, before I got out the queue. 

My cheeks were burning and my heart beat like crazy. It felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. I breathed and tried to calm myself down a bit. My knees were still shaky and felt like jelly. I talked with Lee Minho! He called me beautiful and I was only apart from him 1 meter. He looked at me! 

I looked for my friends, Jeongin and Felix but they weren't at the same place as before I left them. After a while, I found them. They were standing with the 2 guys they were looking at earlier. They were just talking but I could feel the sparks up to here. 

Once they noticed me, they came up to me, after they said goodbye to the other 2 boys. "How'd it go?", Felix asked me while smiling like crazy, he seemed to be so happy. "It went well! I felt so happy finally talking to him and he even gave me an autograph", I said and showed both of them the CD he gave me.

Jeongin and Felix looked at it and their eyes went wide. "Are you sure he gave you just an autograph?", Jeongin smiled at me and I looked at him confused. What does he mean by that?  I looked at the back of the CD and my eyes also went wide. 

There was a sticky note with his number on it. Text me when you're bored ;) that's what it said.

It felt like a dream to me. My favorite singer gave me his number and called me beautiful? My best day in a long time. 

I decided to change the subject. "Who were these boys you were talking to earlier?" Jeongin and Felix looked at me with widened eyes and I saw their cheeks getting red. Jeongin even stared at his shoes and played with his fingers.

"Just someone we met. They're friends with Lee Minho", Felix answered and looked at me, smiling like crazy. Jeongin nodded and looked at me too. "And?", I asked both of them, waiting for something more interesting. "W-we exchanged numbers", Jeongin said and I smiled at them. I knew it. 

"We're probably friends now", Felix said, still smiling like an idiot. I nodded and then got closer to him. "You like the one who wore all black, right? Your eyes told", I said and giggled. Felix looked at me and blushed even more. But nodded then.

"You like the other guy, don't you?", I asked Jeongin and looked at him. He shook his head but still blushed hard. "I don't like him, I just think he's pretty and cool", he answered but I felt it was more than that. I just nodded. 


After the fansign, we headed home because it was getting pretty late. While I was walking home, rain drops were falling on my face and wet my clothes. 

Happily, it didn't take me long to get home. As I arrived home, I immediately got into the shower, changed my clothes into my pyjamas and then went to bed. But before I closed my eyes, I pulled out my phone again and texted Minho. 

                                                                Minho Hyung~

                                                                                         Good night, Minho Hyung~

I didn't wait for his respond and just put my phone next to me. After I did that, I wrapped myself in the duvet and closed my eyes. I thought about the day and the face of Minho made me calm. A while after I closed my eyes, I already fell asleep. 

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